
  1. 张萱、周昉是这一时期著名的仕女画家。

    Zhang Xuan and Zhou Fang is this period famous lady painter .

  2. 唐代中期,先后产生了两位重要的人物画家张萱和周舫。

    There were two important portrait painters in the mid-Tang Dynasty , Zhang Xuan and Zhou Fang .

  3. 张萱是开元年间的画官,擅长画贵族妇女、婴儿、鞍马。

    Zhang Xuan was a painter of the imperial court who was adept at drawing ladies , infants , horses and saddles .

  4. 从张萱、周昉及他们的绘画看唐代人物画的艺术特点和价值

    Study the Features and Value of Art of Figure Painting in the Tang Dynasty from Zhang Xuan and Zhou Fang and Their Paintings

  5. 唐代大画家张萱的人物画中,妇女形象大多丰颊硕体,服饰艳丽,具有盛唐以后仕女风俗画的典型风格。

    In the personality paintings by great artist Zhang Xuan , most female characters are fat in beautiful dressing , which is the typical folk style of late Tang dynasty .