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  • 网络Zhang Yi;Cheung Yick;Yi Chang
  1. 政治学最高法则下的中产阶层稳定器构建战略&兼与张翼先生商榷

    Strategy of Establishing the Stabilizer of Middle Class in the Highest Principle of Politics : Commenting on the View of Zhang Yi

  2. 他诉说着,言辞没有被风吹去:那神赠与他荣耀的礼物,黄金的战车和永不疲倦的张翼的战马,他战胜了欧诺玛奥斯,赢得了新娘。

    Thus spake he , nor were his words in vain : for the God made him a glorious gift of a golden car and winged untiring steeds : so he overcame oinomaos and won the maiden for his bride .