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  1. 当供给和需求都是平等的,横向的价格举动牛派和熊派决一雌雄了控制。

    When supply and demand are equal , prices move sideways as bulls and bears slug it out for control .

  2. 随主要指数接近顶部的阻力线,很难说牛派是否有力量或能力修理哪些在过去二个星期期间对市场走势所造成的技术损伤。

    However , with major indices are approaching overhead resistances , it 's hard to say whether the bulls have the power or ability to repair the technical damages , which had done over the past two weeks .

  3. 然后自己坐在桌旁,一边无声地欣赏它们,一边却用另一只手拿起一块牛腰派,狼吞虎咽地送进肚里。她的眼睛,好似紫水晶她要借珠宝隐藏自己,因为她生性羞涩,总是想要隐藏。

    Her amethyst eyes Jewels were something to hide behind as , chronically shy , she always wished to hide .

  4. 某人想向一个财主借牛,于是派仆人给财主送去一封借牛的信。

    A man once wanted to borrow a cow from a wealthy man , so he had his servant send a note to the wealthy man .