
niú jiǎo
  • ox horn
牛角 [niú jiǎo]
  • [ox horn] 牛的角,也指用其做成的号角

牛角[niú jiǎo]
  1. 手柄是牛角造的吗?

    Is the grip made of ox horn ?

  2. 那是眉毛不是牛角吧?到是长了一牛鼻子。

    That eyebrow is not ox horn , right ? It borns an ox nose .

  3. 连续看上几个小时枯燥的技术简报后,他会不自觉地钻起牛角尖来。

    Reading from a tedious technical brief for hours on end , he would stray into difficult territory .

  4. 他们挨牛角之前,总是这样吹大牛

    Always do they talk that way with their arrogance before a goring .

  5. 本文以抗人、抗牛角蛋白多克隆抗体,双PAP法观察、分析其角蛋白抗原表达。

    We observed the keratin expressions by using double PAP method with anti - human and anti - bovine keratin polyclonal antibodies .

  6. VIP伞的男性版本叫做繁荣(Prosper,490欧元),由黑色与灰色的丝绸制成,有枫木伞柄和镶嵌牛角的伞把。

    The men 's version of the VIP , called Prosper ( 490 euros ) , incorporates black or gray silk , a maple shaft , and an inlaid horn handle .

  7. 该品种早熟、抗病、丰产,品质优、商品性好,其果实呈牛角形,色深绿,味微辣,平均单果重40g左右,一般产量45~52.5t/hm2。

    The yield was about 45 - 52 , 5t / hm2 . Average weight per fruit was 40g . The fruit was horn-shaped and dark green . The variety was with good quality and good commerical property .

  8. croissant这个词在英语中译为“新月”,新月形是这种酥饼最普遍的形状,不过也有做成其他形状的牛角面包。

    The word itself is translated as " crescent " into English , which is the shape most typically associated with this flaky pastry , although it can be found in other forms as well .

  9. 我担心人们会钻这些IPCC成员的牛角尖,然后出去说,气温将升高一度,而某些人则说,气温将升高六度。

    I 'm wonied about people grabbing these IPCC numbers and then going out there and saying , oh , it 's only going to warm up by one degree , 'and somebody else saying it 's going to warm up by six .

  10. 对96-140牛角辣椒及96-140辣椒黄绿苗突变体(96-140YBM)的生物学特性、生长动态、抗病性等方面进行了测定。

    Biological characteristics and growth trend of the two peppers : pepper 96-140 and the yellow bud mutant ( 96-140YBM ) were tested and analyzed in the papper .

  11. 山羊对移植水牛角的免疫反应的实验研究

    Experimental Study of Immunologic Responses of Goats to Transplanted Buffalo Horn

  12. 我不再钻在牛角尖里。

    I am not going to drill in the Horn Lane .

  13. 神圣的牛角用花环装饰着。

    The horns of the sacred cattle were decked with garlands .

  14. 他似乎很喜欢利用牛角酥来运毒。

    Seems he liked to use gooeybunz to move his coke .

  15. 用中子活化分析法测定犀牛角和水牛角中的微量元素

    Neutron activation analysis of trace elements in horns of rhinoceros and buffalo

  16. 本杰明:开胃品就来点牛角面包吧,正餐要两份牛排。

    Benjamin : Croissant for appetizer and two beef steaks for dinner .

  17. 他们挨牛角之前,总是这样吹大牛。

    Always do they talk that way their arrogance before a goring .

  18. 大概您今晚不需要牛角了吧?

    Presumably you won 't be needing the Unicorn tonight ?

  19. 而对于牛头人,你可以选择不同的牛角造型。

    Cutely enough , for Taurans , you can pick horn styles .

  20. 再给我一份纽约时报和菠菜牛角面�

    And give me a New York Times and a spinach croissant .

  21. 他们通常精力旺盛,非常健谈,喜欢钻“牛角尖”。

    They are usually energetic , very talkative , like spliting over things .

  22. 用牛角形的工装,焊接应向在尾部。

    With horn-type fixtures , the welding should be toward the closed end .

  23. 是的,我想要牛角包、橙汁和两根香肠。

    Yes , I would like croissants , orange juice and two sausages .

  24. 名副其实地抓住公牛角[72]。

    In every sense of the word take the bull by the horns .

  25. 水牛角不同相对分子质量酶解液的药理作用研究

    Studies on pharmacological effects of different molecular weight enzymolysis liquid from cornu bubali

  26. 他是牛角酥店的老主顾了。

    He 's a nice regular customer at gooeybunz .

  27. 牛角包,教我们怎么做。

    Croissants , teach me , how to make .

  28. 硫酸角蛋白钠盐,来源于牛角膜;

    Keratin Sulfate Sodium Salt , from Bovine Cornea ;

  29. 这两只狼无法穿越牛角筑成的铜墙铁壁

    The wolves cannot penetrate the wall of horns .

  30. 正交实验优选水牛角酶解的提取工艺研究

    Studies on extraction technology for enzyme hydrolysis of cornu bubali by orthogonal test