
dīng dōng
  • tinkle
叮咚 [dīng dōng]
  • [tinkle] 同丁冬

  1. 我们漫步经过泉水叮咚的喷泉和芬芳四溢的花园。

    We strolled past tinkling fountains and perfumed gardens .

  2. “叮咚,”门铃响了。

    ' Ding-dong , ' went the doorbell .

  3. 九溪十八涧则以“曲曲环环路,叮叮咚咚泉”著称。

    Andand eighteen dales is famous for its crooked path and tinkling spring .

  4. 听;我现在听到了叮咚的丧钟。

    Hark ! Now I hear them & ding-dong , bell .

  5. 叮咚,叮咚,我能听到钟声。

    Ding-a-dong , ding-a-dong , I can hear the bell .

  6. 但首先,你喜欢“叮咚”吗?

    But first , would you like a Ding dong ?

  7. 当铃响的时候,就真的是叮咚一下。

    There 's going to be a real ding-dong when the bell goes .

  8. 叮咚!小狐狸跑去开门。

    Ding ! Fox ran to open the door .

  9. 泉水叮咚,弹一曲心中舒缓的歌。

    The spring water comes out gently and euphoniously .

  10. 你所需要的是叮咚.

    Phoebe : All you want is a dinkle .

  11. 就是能叮咚作响的东西,

    A thing through which you can tinkle ,

  12. 如叮咚清泉,以水的柔情和滋养象征优质服务。

    If Ding Dong Qing , a symbol of nourishment and gentleness water quality .

  13. 丛林里到处都有清澈的溪流和叮咚的泉水。

    In the forest , there are clear streams and tinkling spring water everywhere .

  14. 叮咚,女巫已死。

    Ding-dong , the witch is dead .

  15. 我是指“叮咚”牌巧克力棒。

    I mean a chocolate Ding dong .

  16. 你所需要的是叮咚,

    All you want is a dingle ,

  17. 旁伴着鸽泉水叮咚。

    Beside the springs of Dove .

  18. 由叮咚单独来看,棕榈预似乎是当前热点中开发智能手机。

    Judging by buzz alone , the Palm Pre seems to be current the hot smartphone among developers .

  19. 英国广播公司信托基金拒绝将这首《叮咚!女巫已死》从第一频道移除。

    The BBC Trust has rejected a complaint about Radio 1 's decision to cut down Ding Dong !

  20. 终于可以放下行囊,去聆听那叮咚的山泉和心跳的声音!

    Finally , we can put off the bags to listen to the sound of hill spring and heart beating .

  21. 泉水叮咚流入生活,大山广阔记在心中,此是春行之乐也!

    Buzz springs into the life of a vast mountain in mind , this is the spring trip is fun !

  22. 在寺内,游客们也可以享受充满鸟语的怡人环境,聆听泉水潺潺的叮咚声,以及欣赏花开的灿烂美景。

    Within the temple , visitors can appreciate the soothing atmosphere of birds singing , streams flowing and flower blossoming ;

  23. 我披上精灵给予的晶莹衣裳,在无垠大地洒下滋润甘露,叮咚作响,潺潺细语。

    I put on the wizard 's crystal clear to give clothes , in the boundless earth shed moisture dew , ding-dong sounds murmur Whispers .

  24. 接见大典结束,空气的振动转化成了一场小小的风暴,宝贵的小铃铛叮叮咚咚下了楼。

    The show being over , the flutter in the air became quite a little storm , and the precious little bells went ringing down-stairs .

  25. 惊异的卫士引领着他走过城堡的大门,穿过宽阔的庭院,庭院里泉水在叮咚歌唱。

    The guard , marvelling , ushered him through the great gate of the castle , and across a spacious court where fountains sang mellifluously .

  26. 蒙马特区是一座酒吧和住所交错的迷宫,伴随着咖啡扑鼻的香气和茶匙叮咚作响的声音,人们在这里狂欢作乐,放声大笑,真真是场音乐盛会。

    Montmartre is an urban labyrinth of bars and hangouts . A concert of clinking teaspoons , hysterical laughter , and coffee . The streets are an adagio of sounds .

  27. 追寻你,延河叮咚的流水,追寻你,枣园梨花的清香,追寻你,南泥湾开荒的镢头,追寻你,杨家岭讲话的会场。

    Locating you , Yan Ding Dong the water , locating you , the delicate fragrance families movement , locating you , the hoe Nanniwan land reclamation projects , locating you yangjieling speech venue .

  28. 就是能叮咚作响的东西,或者和它一起摇荡,或者完全让其悬垂……你所需要的是叮咚,你所羡慕的是摇摆,就是能叮咚作响的东西,或者和它一起摇荡,或者完全让其悬垂……

    All : A thing through which you can tinkle , Or play with , or simply let hang ... All you want is a dingle , What you envy 's a schwang , A thing through which you can tinkle , Or play with , or simply let hang ...