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dīng zhǔ
  • warn;exhort;repeatedly advise;urge again and again;exhort again and again
叮嘱 [dīng zhǔ]
  • [urge again and again;exhort again and again] 叮咛,再三嘱咐

  • 叮嘱再三

叮嘱[dīng zhǔ]
  1. 我不断叮嘱自己要保持冷静。

    I kept telling myself to keep calm .

  2. 我们曾被反复叮嘱千万不要与陌生人讲话。

    We had it drummed into us that we should never talk to strangers .

  3. 我们从小就被叮嘱绝不能乱扔垃圾。

    It was drilled into us at an early age never to drop litter .

  4. 曾经叮嘱他不要和任何人讲这事。

    He had been warned not to tell anyone about it .

  5. 父母叮嘱我们要以谦虚的态度向别人学习。

    Parents told us that we would study from others in a modest attitude .

  6. 他曾再三叮嘱我在离开时一定要先关灯。

    He told me once again to be sure to put out the light before leaving .

  7. 她对女儿最后的叮嘱是要竭尽全力摆脱这种困难

    Her last adjuration to daughter was to escape from dinginess if she could .

  8. 叮嘱他严守秘密,然后把这事讲出来

    Then enjoining him to keep It'strictly confidential , he told him the whole story .

  9. 老师叮嘱说:“外地的官不容易做,应当谨慎小心些才好。”

    His teacher warned him : " It is not easy to be an official outside the capital . You should be prudent2 and careful . "

  10. Unit10叮咛篇1.叮嘱按时参加会议尊敬的先生:我写信是为了提醒您,3月12日,星期一上午9点在武汉进出口贸易中心有一场会议。

    Dear Sir , I am writing to remind you that there is a meeting on March 12th , Monday at 9 a.

  11. 这是SOHO董事长潘石屹在某电视广告里讲到的一句话,意味深长,说是他老爸在他出远门时叮嘱的一句话。

    SOHO chairman Pan Shiyi said in an TV ad , meaningfully , his father told him these words when Pan left home .

  12. LevineBooks,2000内容简介:心地善良的小幽灵呜呜厌倦了整天被爸妈叮嘱该做什么不该做什么。

    Levine Books , New York , 2000 Content Abstract : Woo is a little ghost who gets tired of having his parents tell him what to do over and over .

  13. 几年前,佩尔•松丁(PerSundin)与妻子参加晚宴时,妻子叮嘱他:“别跟别人说你是做什么工作的。”松丁既非银行家、二手车销售员,也非军火商,而是瑞典一家唱片公司的主管。

    Don 't tell people what you do , " Per Sundin 's wife insisted as they went to a dinner party several years ago . Sundin wasn 't a banker , used-car salesman or weapons producer , but the head of a record label in Sweden .

  14. 老板派我去市中心采访时,特意叮嘱我不要把所有时间都花在奥柏林(Oberlin)大学的学生身上。所以,我在这里只讲一位我在华盛顿特区碰到的学生。

    When my boss sent me downtown , he specifically told me not to spend all my time talking to Oberlin students , so I 'll tell you about just one that I met in D.C. , Sam Jewler .

  15. 令尊怎样叮嘱你的?

    What did your father tell you of your * Obligations ?

  16. 我们都被叮嘱表现要尽量好。

    We were all enjoined to be on our best behaviour .

  17. 我叮嘱过你今天上午要准时到这儿的。

    I told you to be here on time this morning .

  18. 叮嘱风声代呼唤你千趟。

    And ask the wind to pass my thousand calls to you .

  19. 母亲一再叮嘱我上学不要迟到。

    Mother told me not to be late for school .

  20. 母亲再三叮嘱我要照顾好自己。

    Mother kept reminding me of looking after myself well .

  21. 妈总是叮嘱我要经常打电话回来,要我记得吃饭,不要太累。

    Mom tells me phone them often and take care of myself .

  22. 我父亲叮嘱我别和陌生人说话。

    My father says I shouldn 't talk to strangers .

  23. 瓦朗蒂娜想起了基督山那可怕的叮嘱;

    The latter recollected the terrible caution of Monte cristo ;

  24. 她叮嘱我别让你搬重物

    She told me not to let you do any heavy lifting .

  25. 她还叮嘱我说,等我女儿回来之后要表扬一下她。

    And she also told me to praise her when she came back .

  26. 送我的花是盆花,叮嘱我浇水。

    He gives me potted flowers , and reminds me to water them .

  27. 每个周末晚上我都会给他们打电话,叮嘱他们注意身体。

    At weekends I will call them , reminding them for their health .

  28. 艾迪特别叮嘱过她要小心。

    Eddie put a detail her to be safe .

  29. 他暗暗叮嘱自己,这不过是个玩笑,一个小小的报复。

    He told himself it was only a game , a little revenge .

  30. 我还特意叮嘱你去跟着罗斯。

    I specifically remember telling you to follow rose .