
  • 网络mass song
  1. 他们通过辛勤的劳动,以自己的智慧、生命和热血,开创了中国革命群众歌曲创作的新时代,作出了自己的历史贡献。

    They made their historic contribution by ushering in the new era of revolutionary song composition for the masses in China .

  2. 又过了一阵子,音乐工作者又开会,谈到受欢迎的群众歌曲还是创作、演唱得太少。

    After a period of time , there was another symposium among the musical circles . This time it was proposed that more popular songs be composed and sung .

  3. 到了新时期,由于时代条件和审美趣味的变化,群众歌曲的创作走向全面衰落。

    With the advent of the new era , and changes in the conditions of the new generation and in esthetic tastes , the creation of mass songs went into an overall decline .

  4. 古老的紫禁城内的人民文化公园里,假日里的群众在欣赏革命歌曲。

    Revolutionary music entertains a holiday crowd in a people 's cultural park within the confines of the old Imperial City .