- 名Newtonian fluid

Lattice Boltzmann simulations of moving elliptic cylinder ina Newtonian fluid
Lattice Boltzmann simulation of an two-dimensional moving elliptic cylinder in a Newtonian fluid
With the multi-level method , a numerical solution was obtained for the power law fluid in the EHL line contact considering the thermal and transient effects .
Lastly , all ink samples have the typical non-Newtonian behavior 、 thixotropy 、 overshoot and dynamic viscoelasticity .
With increase of temperature , the consistency index K declined , the flow index n increased and the ginger paste trend to Newton fluid .
The results showed that : melt of PET synthesized with MTA is non - Newtonian pseudoplastic fluid .
The radical flow of plane non-Newtonian fluid when m1
The main difference is that the velocity of CMC solution is weakened because of high viscosity .
Two dimensional incompressible N S equations for non Newtonian fluid was solved by using MAC method in staggered grids .
So laboratory measurement and study are made on preparation of CO2-foam fracturing fluid , rheological measurement and friction computation methods in this paper .
The viscosity of the system before the phase inversion point is almost constant independent on stress , which is the characteristics of Newtonian fluid .
In the present investigation , the unsteady flow of upper-convected Maxwell fluid in a horizontal circular pipe is studied by spectral method .
The rheological properties of 4-8 % chitin xanthate solution are investigated for the first time : the chitin xanthate solution belongs to shear-thinning fluid . non-Newtonian Index increases with increasing solution temperature and decreases with concentration .
Liquid crystalline polymer ( LCP ) is a polymer that exists in liquid crystalline phase in some conditions . It is an anisotropic viscoelastic non-Newtonian fluid .
The results show that the blend system is a shear-shining and non-Newtonian liquid , and the higher _w , the lower η _a and being slowness with the increasing pore-forming agent .
In the simulations , the incompressible Navier-Stokes ( N-S ) equations are used as the basic control equations to describe the turbulent channel flow .
For rheological analysis of feeding , it was proved that the feed is a kind of non-newtonian fluid , reached MIM process requirements .
System of p-Laplacian equations has application in the study of non-Newtonian fluid , nonlinear elasticity and glaciology .
The power consumption Kp , mixing time Tm and Metzner constant K (?) of a rotating impeller with up-and-down motion were measured for mixing highly viscous Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids under a laminar regime .
The result indicated that the logarithm of viscosity of alcohol - ( soluble ) lignin sol was positively correlated with concentration and exhibited pseudoplastic characteristics .
MR fluid has its unique property : It can become from Newton flu-id to viscoplastic fluid under the action of strong magnetic field , the rheological fluid damper has the advantages of simple structure , small volume , reversible and continuous work and less energy consumption .
Based on the lattice Boltzmann method ( LBM ), the sedimentations of a single charged and un-charged elastic dumbbell in a Newtonian fluid under the same initial conditions have been simulated .
CCSD solution exhibits a pseudoplastic fluid behavior , and the intermolecular non-polar / non-polar interactions between cholesteryl groups exists in its semidilute regime .
Numerical Simulation of Fountain Flow for Newtonian and non-Newtonian Fluid Front in micro-channel was realized by using general Galerkin finite element method and Newton-Raphson iteration method with appropriate boundary conditions .
The formulation for the flow model is given using the finite element / control volume ( FE / CV ) technique based on Darcy 's Law of creeping flow through a porous media .
The calculated results show that the performance of the ferrofluid lubricated plane sliders is different obviously from the performance of plane sliders lubricated with Newtonian fluid or Bingham plastic .
The model of the metering zone of the single screw extruder in a vibration force field is set up . Based on Stokes assumption , the approximate analytical solution of Newtonian fluid velocity is obtained .
Metzner constant is the basic data that apply to the evaluation of Mixing Power of non-Newtonian fluid .
The hydraulic pressure expression on the fracture face along the fracture length was deduced based on Newtonian fluid flowing between two-dimensional parallel plates model . A command file was written using ANSYS Parametric Design Language ( APDL ), making the simulation process carry out automatically .
ER intelligent material is a kind of controllable fluid . It can be transformed from the Newton fluid into the viscoplastic solid with a finite yield shear stress when an electric field is applied , and the transformation is continual , reversible and rapid .