
  • 网络Oyster farming;oyster culture;farming of bivalve;oyster cultivation
  1. 珠江口沿岸牡蛎养殖场沉积物及牡蛎体内重金属含量与评价

    Evaluation on heavy metal contents in sediments and oysters in different oyster culture beds of Zhujiang River Estuary

  2. 其中牡蛎养殖区的细菌多样性指数均有较高的数值,随着时间的变化多样性指数变化不明显。

    Oyster culture areas have a higher bacterial diversity index values , the diversity index over time do not change significantly .

  3. 滩涂牡蛎养殖场是一种水产养殖方式。

    Oyster beds , on the mudflats , are a form of fish farming .

  4. 扇贝和牡蛎养殖区POC、TN和TP的再溶出速率大于海带养殖区;

    The release rates of POC , TN and TP in scallop and oyster aquaculture water areas were larger than those in kelp culture areas .

  5. 厦门同安湾牡蛎养殖容量的估算

    Estimation of Carrying Capacity of the Oyster in Xiamen Tongan Bay

  6. 8个上规模的牡蛎养殖场就可以从切萨皮克湾海水中净化出1吨氮素。

    Eight large-scale oyster farms could clean a ton of nitrogen from the Chesapeake .

  7. 大窑湾牡蛎养殖区叶绿素a分布和初级生产力估算

    The Distribution of Chlorophyll-a in Oyster Cultural Waters of Dayao Bay and Estimation of Primary Productivity

  8. 另一个村子则设立了颇具胆识的企业股份计划,用来集资开辟新的牡蛎养殖场,以及购买用于劳作的船只。

    Another village has set up an enterprising share scheme to finance new oyster beds and skiffs to work them .

  9. 但今年,他位于大岛北岸的牡蛎养殖场已经被泄漏的石油完全毁坏了。

    But his oyster bed , along the north side of Grand Isle , has likely been destroyed by the spill .

  10. 毛蚶养殖区的菌群多样性指数较牡蛎养殖区略低,变化幅度也比较小。

    Bacteria diversity index in clam culture zone is slightly lower than the oyster culture area . The change rate is relatively small .

  11. 在深圳湾牡蛎养殖场,以瓦勃氏呼吸仪对牡蛎离体鳃组织进行了耗氧量的测定。

    Warburg type manometer was used to measure the oxygen consumption of the gill tissue separated from the bodies of oysters taken from the Oyster Farm in Shenzhen Bay .

  12. 如今在箔子寮最多的是虱目鱼鱼塭,到处是牡蛎养殖的浅水海滩,以及无处不在、养有鳗鱼与虾类的水塘。

    Later , sand deposition made it decline . Now , Buozihliao is full of fish farm and oyster farm , as well as ponds for eels and shrimps .

  13. 它具有生长速度快、适应性强等优点,也是我国最主要的牡蛎养殖种类。

    With its fast growth and strong adaptability , it has been widely adopted for farming and rapidly developed into one of the most important commercial species in China .

  14. 它已经造成西北太平洋地区和澳大利亚的大堡礁珊瑚生长减缓,并造成牡蛎养殖场的经济损失。

    It 's already blamed for economic losses at oyster farms in the Pacific Northwest and the slowing of coral growth in Australia 's Great Barrier Reef , according to Oceana .

  15. 我国虽然是牡蛎养殖大国,但还并不是牡蛎养殖强国,遗传改良研究相对滞后。

    China is dominant in the oyster farming industry in the world , but not yet an oyster farming great power . The researches on improvement of oysters are relatively lagging .

  16. 总体趋势是相同站位的交换速率为8月高于11月,不同站位的交换速率为扇贝和牡蛎养殖区高于海带养殖区。

    Generally , the exchange rates in August were higher than those in November at the same stations , and higher in scallop and oyster culture areas than those in kelp culture areas at different stations .

  17. 在相似性度上,毛蚶养殖区不同时期的细菌多样性相似度均较低,这在一定程度上反映了毛蚶养殖区环境变化较牡蛎养殖区剧烈,变化程度深。

    Degree of similarity , hairy clam breeding areas in different periods is lower similarity to the bacterial diversity , which to some extent , reflect the environmental changes Clam culture zones more intense than oyster culture areas , deep degree of change .

  18. 桃浦是一个牡蛎养殖村,那里世代靠打渔为生的渔民意识到,就算没有海啸侵袭,他们的社区也会逐渐走向消亡,因为年轻人都不再愿意子承父业。

    In Momonoura , an oyster-farming village , fishermen whose families have harvested the sea for centuries realise that , tsunami or not , their community is dying out , since young men and women do not want to step into their grandfathers " rubber boots .

  19. 澳大利亚的水产养殖业以鲑鱼、金枪鱼和牡蛎的养殖为主。

    Aquaculture in Australia is dominated by the farming of salmon10 , tuna , and oysters11 .

  20. 2007年我国牡蛎的养殖产量达到351万吨,占世界牡蛎养殖总产量的79.8%。

    The production of oysters reached 351 metric tons in 2007 in China , accounting for 79.8 % of total oyster production in the world .

  21. 三倍体长牡蛎浮筏养殖技术的研究

    Suspended longline farming in triploid Pacific oyster , Crassostrea gigas

  22. 其中异养细菌在牡蛎和毛蚶养殖区的变化幅度均较小,而且水体和底泥中的菌数变化上有明显的相关性。

    The changes of heterotrophic bacteria in the oyster and clam breeding area are small and the water and sediment heterotrophic bacteria in the number of changes have significant correlation .

  23. 牡蛎和毛蚶养殖区硝化细菌和硫化细菌的检出率为均为100%,但数量都不是很大,随贝类养殖的继续有少许的波动。

    The nitrifying bacteria and sulfuring bacteria in all oyster and hairy clam breeding area are detected , but the number is not great , with the shellfish farming to continue to have some fluctuations .

  24. 三倍体太平洋牡蛎垂下式养殖研究

    Studies on the Suspended Longline Farming of Triploid Pacific Oyster , Crassostrea gigas

  25. 从罗马时代起,人们就一直对牡蛎进行商业化养殖。牡蛎有一种非凡的本领:当被采集的时候,它们会将自己的外壳闭合得滴水不漏,将海水封存在里面。

    Oysters have been commercially farmed since the time of the Romans and have a remarkable talent : when collected , they close their watertight shells , trapping seawater inside .