
mù mǎ rén
  • wrangler;herdsman
  1. 自由客(Liberty)在吉普产品线中处于一个比较尴尬的角色,肌肉感比不上牧马人(Wrangler),奢华赶不上大切诺基(GrandCherokee)。

    Lost in the middle of the jeep lineup , the liberty is neither as brawny as the Wrangler , nor as Luxe as the Grand Cherokee .

  2. 你是最好的牧马人。

    You 're a better Wrangler than all of them .

  3. 不过据臣妾所知,他只是个牧马人的儿子。

    But I hear he is in fact the son of a herdsman .

  4. 老牌子包括利瓦伊和牧马人等。

    Historic brands include Levi 's and Wrangler .

  5. 一天,许多有心的求婚男子云集在牧马人居住的帐篷外面。

    One day , there were many eligible men gathered outside the shepherd 's home .

  6. 圣经启示录中的四个牧马人是战争、瘟疫、饥荒和死亡。

    The four horsemen of the Apocalypse were War , Plague , Famine and Death .

  7. 吉普救援是牧马人家族中衍生出来的,具有超强的越野能力和更大的车内空间。

    The Jeep Rescue is a descendant of the Wrangler with greatly added off road capabilities and passenger space .

  8. 我只喜欢20世纪70年代的样子:优雅整齐的黑人、牧马人牛仔、马球项圈和圆的太阳镜。

    I just love the whole 1970s look : neat afro , Wrangler jacket , polo neck and round sunglasses .

  9. 现在,牧马人依然用直升机来放牧,但是西部以外地区的很多人则并非如此。

    So for the time being it remains horse against helicopter , and a home off the range for many .

  10. 直到2012年我第一次去美国旅行,在一次演出期间,我去古老的储藏店找衣服,当我看到佐治亚州亚特兰大市的牧马人外套,那是我喜欢的灯芯绒领;

    I had never been to America until I toured there in 2012 , and in between gigs I 'd look for clothes in vintage stores . As soon as I saw this Wrangler jacket in Atlanta , Georgia , I loved the corduroy collar ;

  11. 流动不息的群体;贝多因人游牧的习性;相信流动打字员这分职业会有好的前途游牧部落。入夜,一位好心的牧马人将他放走,并告诉他从哪儿可以逃走。

    A restless mobile society ; the nomadic habits of the Bedouins ; believed the profession of a peregrine typist would have a happy future ; wandering tribes . Fortunately a kind-hearted herdsman came to his help at night , setting him free and pointing the way to escape .