
  1. 实体请求权与诉讼请求权之辨&从物权确认请求权谈起

    The Discrimination Between Substantive Claim and Procedural Claim : From the Perspective of Claim of Property Confirmation

  2. 物权的物权法保护包括物权确认和物权请求权两种类型。

    The protection in the real right law contents two kind : confirmation of right in rem and plead of right in rem .

  3. 论物权的特征从物权与债权之区别为视角实体请求权与诉讼请求权之辨从物权确认请求权谈起

    On the Characteristics of Proper Right & Take the distinction between proper right and obligation right as the view angle ; The Discrimination Between Substantive Claim and Procedural Claim : From the Perspective of Claim of Property Confirmation