
  • 网络Derivative Trading
  1. 针对金融衍生品交易的法律监管进行了探讨。

    Discussions focus on the law supervision of financial derivative trading .

  2. 利率衍生品市场交易量迅速增长,在OTC金融衍生品交易中所占比重在70%以上。

    The volume of trade in the interest rate derivative market increases rapidly and has accounted for more than 70 percent of the OTC financial derivative trading .

  3. Liffe是纽泛交易所的国际金融衍生品交易市场。

    Liffe is the international derivatives business of NYSE Euronext .

  4. BASH:随后,代表华尔街大型银行的一名官员向CNN承认,他们极力反对该法案的几个条款,因为这些条款将使他们在金融衍生品交易方面的数十亿美元收益更加困难。但是越来越明显,华尔街的努力非常困难。

    BASH : An official representing big Wall Street banks later admitted to CNN they 're pushing back hard on several provisions in the bill that would make it harder to reap their billions and profits on derivatives trading .

  5. 他们说,他们的底线受到金融衍生品交易的帮助。

    They say that bottom line is helped by derivatives trading .

  6. 中国金融衍生品交易风险管理的法律规制研究

    China finance derivatives trade risk management 's law regulation research

  7. 发展我国金融衍生品交易的若干法律问题

    On the Legal Problems Arising from Financial Derivatives Market Development

  8. 论金融衍生品交易在商业银行改革中的作用

    On the Effect of Derivative Instruments Transaction in the Reform of Commercial Banking Operation

  9. 金融衍生品交易合约被用于不同目的,包括投资和保护免遭损失。

    These contracts are used for different purposes , including investment and protecting against loss .

  10. 实践证明,金融衍生品交易是非常有效的避险保值及投机套利工具,为各国金融市场的完善做出了巨大贡献,是与股份制公司齐名的重大经济领域创新。

    It has been proved that FD transaction is quite effective in risk avoidance and arbitrage .

  11. 商业银行金融衍生品交易监管的失灵分析及策略设计

    The Analysis on Invalid Regulatory of Commercial Banking 's Financial Derivatives Deals and the Regulatory 's Strategy Design

  12. 再次是金融衍生品交易刚刚在美国开始,就全球来说投资渠道相对单一。

    The third , financial derivative transactions were just started with simplex investment channel for the worldwide market .

  13. 例如:存款保险制度仍未建立,有关金融衍生品交易的法律保障还不完善。

    For example : not yet established a deposit insurance system , the financial derivatives legal protection is not perfect .

  14. 立法方面的严重缺陷增加了场外金融衍生品交易在法律上的不确定性,必然会引致诸多问题。

    Serious shortcomings in the legislation put legal uncertainties in the over-the-counter financial derivatives trading which would inevitably lead to many problems .

  15. 金融衍生品交易的高收益和高风险特性,决定了内部控制和风险管理的重要性。

    It is the higher profits and risk in financial derivative securities exchange that decides the importance of inner control and risk control .

  16. 在此次由美国次贷危机引发的全球性经济危机中,金融衍生品交易对危机的扩大和蔓延起到了很大的推动作用。

    In the global economic crisis caused by subprime crisis , financial derivatives plays a very important role in growing and spreading the crisis .

  17. 金融衍生品交易的快速发展,打破了传统的国际金融市场格局,不仅改变着全球金融市场,甚至改变了我们的生活。

    The rapid development of financial derivatives trading has broken the tradition of international financial markets , not only changing the global financial markets , even changed our life .

  18. 同时强化对金融衍生品交易机构的监管,强化其自律监管职能,完善自律监管职能、加快制度创新步伐、强化自律地位。

    At the same time strengthen the financial derivatives trading supervision , strengthen their self-regulatory functions , improve self-regulatory functions , speed up institutional innovation , and strengthen self-regulatory status .

  19. 这些说客代表华尔街一些大银行。这些银行从不规范的金融衍生品交易中获益数十亿美元。

    The lobbyists here represent some of the big banks on Wall Street who billions of dollars in profits from this mostly derivatives trading , but it 's not just them .

  20. 债券、期货、股票、外汇、房地产市场、大宗商品期货市场以及大量金融衍生品交易市场等逐渐成为美国人创造新的货币财富的重要工具。

    In USA , debts , futures , stocks , foreign exchanges , real estates and a large number of financial derivatives have become important tools to create wealth for American people .

  21. 过去1年,基于房地产的金融衍生品交易量增加了逾1倍,原因是更多银行、投资者和企业希望利用这些工具进行房地产投机并对冲估值下降的风险。

    The volumes of derivatives based on property have more than doubled in the past year as more banks , investors and companies seek to bet on the asset class and to hedge against a fall in valuations .

  22. 1982年股指期货在美国诞生,此后世界范围内出现了股指期货上市和交易的热潮,如今股指衍生品已成为全球场内金融衍生品交易的主导。

    1982 witnessed the birth of stock index futures in U.S. , the world then saw the mushrooming of launching and trading stock index futures in a row . Nowadays , the stock index derivatives have been the dominant financial derivatives exchange-traded globally .

  23. 程式化交易系统的出现为金融衍生品的交易提供了一种有效的手段。

    The emergence of stylized trading systems for financial derivatives trading provides an effective means .

  24. 金融衍生品的交易特征是保证金交易,因此具有较强的杠杆效应。

    Financial derivatives trading characteristics is trading on margin , therefore it has a strong leverage .

  25. 随后在全球资本市场上,危机由于与房贷相关的金融衍生品的交易迅速扩大,而最后演变成一场全球性的金融危机。

    The crisis evolved into a global financial crisis with the trades of financial derivatives in the global capital markets .

  26. 摘要虚拟经济是经济学界提出的一个全新范畴,指证券、期货、金融衍生品的交易。

    Fictitious economy is a completely new concept put forward by the economic circle and it refers to the transactions of securities , futures and financial derivatives .

  27. 目前全球金融衍生品的交易量已占到整个衍生品市场交易量的90%以上,而股指期货是金融期货中历史最短、发展最快、成交量最大的金融衍生产品。

    The current global trading volume of financial futures accounts for 90 percent of the derivative products which are the shortest in history , the fastest-growing financial derivative products .

  28. 但随着时间的流逝,银行扩展到了风险更高、也更为复杂的活动,包括结构性金融、衍生品交易和监管套利,这可能会以扭曲的方式来配置资本。

    But over time , banks have expanded into riskier and more complex activities , including structured finance , derivatives trading and regulatory arbitrage , which can allocate capital in distorted ways .

  29. 对金融衍生品市场内幕交易的一些新思考&澳大利亚现行的反内幕交易法及其带给我们的若干启示

    Some New Thought on Insider Trading in the Derivative Market & The Current Act on Anti - Insider Trading in Australia and the Implications to Our Country

  30. 他还指出另外一些问题,包括风险管理程序薄弱、缺乏专业人才,以及故意违反相关规则这些规则限制多数金融衍生品在中国进行交易。

    He also cited weak risk management procedures , a lack of expertise and intentional breaking of rules that restrict most kinds of financial derivatives in China .