
  • 网络Logistical Integration;Logistics Integration
  1. 通过供应链物流整合,对按照订单生产(MTO)环境下汽车交付提前期(OTD)的压缩问题进行了研究。

    Through the supply chain logistics integration , the time compression of vehicle order-to-delivery ( OTD ) in the make-to-order ( MTO ) environment is researched .

  2. 物流整合与企业核心能力

    Logistics integration and core capabilities

  3. 基于RFID技术的正逆向物流整合

    Integration of Forward and Reverse Logistics Based on RFID

  4. 基于VMI的大件商品制造企业销售物流整合模式

    Integration Model of Large Goods Sales Logistics base on VMI

  5. ECR的实践&通路进化与物流整合

    Practice of ecr & shorten the passageway and neaten the logistics

  6. 第六章是讨论农产品现代物流整合及系统优化问题。

    Chapter 6 : Optimization of logistical system of agricultural products ;

  7. 全球价值链下我国服装业物流整合研究

    Global Value Chain Integration of China 's Garment Industry Logistics Research

  8. 短期物流整合情形下的供应商评价模型

    A Model of Vendor Evaluating for Short Period-Logistics Integrating

  9. 汽车工业供应物流整合模式与优化方法研究

    Research on Integration Modes and Optimization Methods of Supply Logistics in Automotive Industry

  10. 钢铁企业应从物流整合的目标、原则和策略三个方面整合企业物流。

    Generally , steel enterprises should integrate Logistics from three aspects : object , principle and strategy .

  11. 农产品供应链物流整合实证研究传统物流果道中配五大量存货,形成供应链成员很大的风险。

    In traditional logistics channel there were plenty stocks so that to bring about much risk for members .

  12. 物流整合成为加强运作,提高服务,巩固市场的重要手段之一。

    Integrated Logistics is one of the ways to enforce operation , improve service quality and support marketing .

  13. 还简要地分析了物流整合后的利润在参与各方中的几种基本分配模式。

    Also , several basic patterns of profit allocation after integration effects in different sides are analysed in this paper .

  14. 本文从增强企业竞争优势的角度出发,分析了物流整合与核心能力之间的关系。

    From the perspective of enhancing firms competitive advantage , this paper examines the relationship between logistics integration and firms core capabilities .

  15. 进而提出两种提高物流整合效率的方法:信息共享策略和物流集成技术。

    Further points out two methods to improve the efficiency : the strategy of information sharing and the technology of logistic integration .

  16. 接着,引入企业物流整合概念模型,分别分析了内部物流整合与外部物流整合所具有的竞争优势;

    Then through introducing the concept model of logistics integration , the paper examines the competitive advantages brought by internal and external logistics integration respectively .

  17. 并应按照顾客导向、知识管理、系统整合、运作规范化等原则来进行第三方物流整合;

    Should also combine third party 's logistics according to such principles as customer 's leading , information management , combining , operation standardization systematically , etc.

  18. 评委组的八位评审将冠军颁给了再生纸质包装制品,因为这个作品的创意就是将纸制品循环、包装设计、生产及物流整合一体化。

    The eight-judge panel awarded the recycled paper package project the winner for its innovation on the integration of paper recycling , package design and production and logistics .

  19. 多集团公司的物流整合是继跨地区销售、跨地区采购后又一个重要的利润来源,是发展趋势,也是一个非常困难的课题。

    Logistics Integration among multi-group company is another key profit area , besides purchase and sales cross different regions . It is the trend of logistics development , and a hard topic as well .

  20. 给出的实际案例表明基于集配中心的供应链物流整合方式能有效增强供应链系统运作的稳定可靠性,有助于实现供应链物流同步化运作。

    Examples are provided to highlight the current practices and it indicates that the supply hub-based logistics integration mode in supply chain would enhance operation reliability and help to realize synchronous logistics operation in supply chain .

  21. 提出了一种第三方物流整合新思路&吸纳参股,并建立博弈模型支持生产企业进行战略合作选择。

    The paper puts forward a new train of thought for the third party logistics integration , that is to recruit shares , and sets up a game model to support the manufacturing enterprises choosing strategic partners .

  22. 基于J2EE与Web服务的第三方物流动态整合设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Dynamic Integration for 3PL Based on J2EE and Web Services

  23. 其次,抽象出了SDN企业回收逆向物流资源整合所需的七类Agent,并对它们进行了设计。

    Secondly , abstracts seven categories of agent in the integration of SDN enterprise recovery reverse logistics resources , and designs them .

  24. 本文分析了Ebay的购物模式和流程,包括国外Ebay与电子商务物流的整合和衔接,及其在信息流和资金流方面实现自动化运作的途径。

    This paper analyses the purchasing pattern and procedure of Ebay , including the integration and cohesion with e-commerce , and the ways to realize the automation concerning the information and capital flows .

  25. 论企业物流资源整合与流程再造

    On Integration of Commodity Circulation Resources and Flow Reconstruction in Enterprises

  26. 第三方物流信息整合的技术支持

    On the Technology Support for Information Conformity by the Third Party Logistics

  27. 铁路枢纽相关物流资源整合优化问题研究

    Research on Optimization and Integration of Railway Terminal-related Logistics Resource

  28. 基于多目标决策模型的物流资源整合效率研究

    Logistics resources integrating efficiency based on the multi-objective decision model

  29. 第三方物流的整合及其效应分析

    Analysis of the Conformity of Third-party Logistics and Its Effect

  30. 基于ISO9001:2000的企业物流系统整合参考模型

    An Integrated Reference Model for Enterprise Logistics Systems Based on ISO9001:2000 Standard