
  • 网络material department
  1. 试验工程师应及时取回试验报告,送达物资部门和施工技术部门。

    The test engineer shall timely fetch the test report and send it to the material department and construction technology department .

  2. 顾客提供的原材料、施工机具、施工场所、办公设备等财产,物资部门亦应严格进行验收,填写“顾客财产验证记录”,未经验证合格的产品不得点收入库。

    The material department shall also strictly check and accept the raw materials , construction tools , construction location , office facilities and other assets provided by client and fill in the " client property verification record "; any unvalidated product shall not be checked and received for warehousing .

  3. 发挥物资部门优势增强物资保障能力

    Bring the superiority of the material sector into full play and strengthen material support

  4. 军队物资部门应适应国家物资流通的发展

    Military material sector and national material circulation

  5. 并提供产品生产所需物料计划,实现设计与财务、物资部门在企业生产业务流程中的集成。

    According to the material plan of product production , the integration among design , finance , material management department was realized in company production task flow .

  6. 随着高等学校的改革与发展,技术物资部门的职责内涵发生了很大变化,对高校技术物资工作人员的素质也提出了更高的要求。

    The development and reformation of our country 's advanced education and universities bring great changes in the responsibilities of technology and material department of the universities and higher requirements to these staff .

  7. 但随着计划经济向市场经济的转换,电力企业的物资部门逐渐独立出来成为一个法人公司实体。

    But along with planned economy to the conversion of the market economy , the supplies section of the electric power business enterprise comes out to become a registered company entity gradually and independently .

  8. 石油物资供销部门如何降低物流成本

    How the Petroleum Materials Department to Lower the Logistics Costs

  9. 高校物资供应部门的局域网建设

    The construction of LAN for material supply bureau in Higher Learning Institutes

  10. 油田物资供应部门顾客满意度评价指标体系的构建

    Construction of the Customer Satisfaction Evaluation Index System for Oilfield Material Supplying Department

  11. 谈顾客满意管理在物资供应部门的开展

    Unfolding Customer Satisfying Management in Purchasing Departments

  12. 重组改制后石油物资供应部门实施标准监督的有效模式

    An Effective Model for Standard Supervision in Oil-related Material Supply Departments After the Reorganization and Institutional Shift

  13. 如何协调供需以及运输能力,保证物资采购部门的经济利益是本文所要研究的问题。

    How to coordinate supply , demand and transportation capacity and assure the benefit of purchase department is the main problem studied by the paper .

  14. 财政、金融、科学技术、物资等部门,应当对农业生产社会化服务事业给予支持。

    Departments in fields such as finance , banking , science and technology , and material resources shall provide support to socialized service undertakings of agricultural production .

  15. 物资供应部门是企业与生产单位之间的桥梁、纽带,是企业正常生产的物资保障部门。

    Commodity Supply Department is a bridge and link between enterprises and factories , as well as a Safeguarding Dept , which ensure normal production of enterprises .

  16. 对未取得运输证件或者物资主管部门发给的调拨通知书运输木材的,木材检查站有权制止。

    The timber inspection post shall have the right to stop the transport of timber without transport documentation or the allocation and transfer notice issued by competent materials authorities .

  17. 在市场经济条件下,作为物资管理部门,如何采购到满意物品,如何评价产品质量,是面临的常见问题。

    Under the condition of market economy , hwo to buy satisfying products and how to evaluate the quality of the products are the problems we often met for the department of material management .

  18. 本文通过对市场经济的一般规律,高校物资管理部门自身特性的研究,分析了实践中的问题,探讨了高校物资管理服务体系变革。

    This article studies the general disciplinarian in market economy and the characteristic of the department of college material management , analyzes the problems in practice and discusses the reform in college material and service system .

  19. 国家物资储备部门成立于二十世纪五十年代,无论是部门的组织设计还是结构布局都受到当时准备打大仗的战略思想和前苏联计划经济模式的影响。

    The national material stocking department is established in the fifties of the 20th century , both organization design of the department and overall structure arrangement are affected by the old strategy mind of " fight great battle " and the economic model of Soviet Union .

  20. 负责供应商寄售物资、其他部门寄存物品保管工作;

    Responsible for keeping the consignment goods of vendors and other departments .

  21. 二属于物资、商业部门经营的物资,由物资、商业部门向合营企业订购。

    2 materials handled by materials and commercial departments shall be ordered from the joint venture by such departments ;

  22. (二)属于物资、商业部门经营的物资,向有关的物资经营单位购买;

    Materials handled by the materials and commercial departments shall be purchased from the relevant units of materials supply ;

  23. 特别是物资采购供应部门,如何开展信息工作已经成为做好物资采购供应工作的有力保证。

    Particularly , how to develop information work has been crucial to achieve performance in purchase and supply of material sector .

  24. 物资供应管理部门界于设计部门与生产部门之间,是维系信息通畅,协调生产的纽带,是制造系统的重要部分。

    Material supply management department which is between design department and production department maintain the flow of information and coordinate the production .

  25. 建筑施工企业是历史悠久的传统企业,它是国民经济中重要的物资资料生产部门之一。

    Building construction enterprise is a long history of traditional enterprises , it is important the national economy of material information on one of the productive sector .

  26. 由于托盘内不仅有采购件,而且有自制件,使得物资供应管理部门的其职责更广泛,因此,物资供应管理以及数据的统计工作难度很大。

    As there is not only purchased parts in the tray but also made pieces which make the material supply management department of its responsibilities more widely , therefore , the management of material supply and the statistical data is very difficult .

  27. 浅谈建筑施工企业物资管理与各部门之间的关系

    Thesis for Relations Between Material Management and Departments of Construction Corporations

  28. 属于计划分配的物资,纳入企业主管部门供应计划,由物资、商业部门或生产企业按合同保证供应;

    The purchase of materials under planned distribution shall be included in the supply plan of the Department in charge of the venture , and the materials or commercial department or the enterprise producing the materials shall ensure the supply according to contracts ;

  29. 确认不合格的物资,属自购的由物资部门及时退货或更换;

    The material verified as unqualified , in case of self-procurement , shall be timely returned or replaced by the material department .

  30. 物资供应是企业的成本中心,物资供应部门提供质优价廉的原料及服务并及时供应,成为该部门的主要工作。

    Material supply is a center of the cost in the enterprise , the main duty for the department of materials supply is to provide high-quality raw materials and services and timely supply .