
  • 网络physics education;Physical Education
  1. 从理论和实践两方面提出了如何快速获取、分析、评估和利用Internet上的中学物理教育资源的方法。

    Analyze ? evaluate and use the methods of the resource of high school physics education in Internet rapidly from theory and practice these tow aspects .

  2. 本文在对Internet上的中学物理教育资源调研的基础上,分析了物理教育资源的特点。

    On the basic of investigation for the resource of high school physics education in Internet , the characteristics of resource of physics education are analysed . Bring forward how to capture ?

  3. STS中学物理教育改革

    STS and the Reform of Physics Teaching in Middle Schools

  4. 高师物理教育学实验教学目标的分类尝试

    The Teaching Objectives of Experiments of Physics Education for Normal Universities

  5. 试论物理教育基础性的新内涵

    Study on the new implications of the fundamental nature of physics education

  6. 非物理教育专业物理学实验课程教学内容和体系的改革

    The reform on physics experiment curriculum for the non physics major students

  7. 物理教育中概念的形成、规律及掌握

    Formation , Rule and Mastery of Concept in Physics Education

  8. 物理教育教学跨世纪的思考

    Reflections on Physics Teaching at the Turn of the Century

  9. 物理教育专业普通物理课程试卷分析与研究初探

    The study and analysis of main courses in physics major

  10. 杨振宁教育思想对基础物理教育的启示

    Enlightenment of professor Yang Zhenning 's educational thoughts for basie physics education

  11. 论实现物理教育目的的基本途径

    The Basic Ways of Realizing the Purposes of Physics Education

  12. 五年制医学本科物理教育的改革研究

    Physics education reform research of medical undergraduates for five-year program

  13. 在物理教育中培养学生新的自然观

    Fostering Students with New Natural Outlook in Physics Education

  14. 物理教育与大学生的科学素质培养

    Physical Education and Cultivation College Students ' Scientific Quality

  15. 中学物理教育实习评价研究

    Research on the evaluation of teaching practice for physics-major students in middle school

  16. 勿庸质疑,物理教育将面临着重大的改革和挑战。

    Undoubtedly , physical education will be faced with significant reform and challenges .

  17. 关于物理教育课程体系与教学内容改革的意见

    On curriculum construction and course content of physics education

  18. 高中物理教育课堂创新教学研究物理思维能力;黑洞物理

    A Study on the Creative Education in Senior Middle School Physics Classroom Teaching

  19. 应用物理学史革新物理教育

    Using the History of Physics to Innovate Physics Education

  20. 未来人才的素质教育与传统物理教育模式的改革

    Reforming the Traditional Pattern of Physics Education towards Quality Education for Future Talents

  21. 谈高师物理教育专业学生教学能力的三段评价系统

    About Three-phrase Evaluation System on Teaching Ability of Students Majoring in Physics Education

  22. 信息与传播技术在中学物理教育和师范教育中的应用。

    Using information and communications technology in school physics and teacher education programs .

  23. 美国中学物理教育的特色

    The features of physical education in America Middle Schools

  24. 中国和国际物理教育合作网的比较与分析

    Comparison and analysis of scientific collaboration networks in physics education between China and overseas

  25. 物理教育必须随着现代物理学的迅速发展而发展。

    The physics education should be developed with the rapid progress of modern physics .

  26. 高师物理教育专业课程结构和内容体系改革的构想

    On the Reform of Curriculum Structure and Content of Physics Discipline of Normal University

  27. 大学物理教育的统计调查及分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Education in College Physics

  28. 物理教育专业课程改革探索

    Exploration on the Curriculum Reform of Physics Education

  29. 高师物理教育课程建设的思考与实践

    Thought and Practice on the Construction of Physics Education Course of Teachers ' College

  30. 很显然,物理教育成了现代人类文明延续的必要条件。

    Obviously , the physical education becomes the essential condition of continuing modern civilization .