
  1. 香港嘉里物流中国区副总裁苏耀明(garyso)表示,与公路和航空运输相比,内河航运和国营铁路系统的监管限制多得多。

    Gary so , vice-president of the mainland Chinese arm of Hong Kong-based Kerry Logistics , says regulation of waterways and the state-run rail system remains far more restrictive than in trucking or air freight .

  2. 现代制造加工中的生产物流中国冶金物流的现状与发展

    Prodution Logistics in Modern Manufacturing System Current Situation and Developments of Logistics in Chinese Metallurgical Industry

  3. 透过海尔物流浅析中国物流市场

    An Analysis of China 's Logistics Market Through Logistics Management of Haier

  4. 第四方物流:中国邮政物流的发展方向

    The Fourth Party Logistics : The Developing Tendency of China Postal Logistics

  5. 准时制生产物流在中国汽车行业的应用

    Application of Just-In-Time Material Handling to Auto Industry in China

  6. 零售终端营销中的物流管理中国消费者行为与零售终端行为互动研究

    Interaction between Consumer Behavior and Retailer Behavior in Our Country

  7. 公路物流与中国商用车的发展

    Road Logistics and the Development of Chinese Business Car

  8. 论第三方物流在中国的发展

    On Development of Third Logistics in China

  9. 第三方物流在中国取得了长足进步并以迅猛的速度发展。

    China has also obtained a substantial progress in the business of third party logistics .

  10. 随着物流在中国的快速发展,信息化是其必然的趋势。

    With the quick development of logistics in China , information is the final trend .

  11. 奥运物流挑战中国第三方物流

    Third Part Logistics in China

  12. 随着物流在中国的发展,物流开始在经济生活中推广运用,并引起了社会各界广泛的关注。

    With the development of Chinese logistics , logistics began to be popularized in all circles and applied in economy activities in China .

  13. 华储物流通过中国信用商城网整合资源,优化资源配置,可以提高资源利用率,减少资源浪费。

    Sinolgis Logistics have integrated the resources and optimized the resource distribution through China Credit Mall Web Site so as to improve resource utilization and reduce the resource waste .

  14. 第三方物流在中国的市场份额越来越大,逐渐显示出巨大的潜力,在经济发展中具有举足轻重的地位。

    With the development of Chinese economy , the market share of the third party logistics becomes more and more big . Third party logistics gradually shows huge potential and vital status in the economic development .

  15. 自改革开放以来,航空物流在中国发展迅速,年平均增长率超过9.3%,远高于同期全球4.7%的平均水平。

    Since the reform and opening up , Air logistics develop very rapidly in China , the annual average growth rate of which is more than 9.3 % , higher than the global average of 4.7 % .

  16. 而物流在中国是一个朝阳行业,发展非常迅速,在将来可能将中国的整体运输成本缩减为现在的1/3,故国家非常重视。

    The logistic is a new industry in China , which developing very fast , and in the nearly future will bring 2 / 3 discount cost in this field . The government will give this area a large support .

  17. IDS物流公司在中国主营服饰和鞋类的全球物流服务。

    IDS logistics actively performs logistics service of global apparel and footwear area in China .

  18. 物流业是中国加入WTO以后所受影响最大的领域之一,主要包括公路、水运行业,分销服务业。

    After entering WTO , Logistics industry is one of the greatest affected area in China , such as road transportation , water car - riage , retail service etc.

  19. 20世纪70年代末,物流管理传入中国;

    Logistics management was introduced into China in the late 1970s ;

  20. 现代物流理论在中国生鲜经营中应用的研究

    Study of Modern Logistics Theory Implemented in Fresh Business

  21. 水产品物流及其在中国的发展

    Aquatic - Products Logistics and Its Development in China

  22. 物流企业在中国-东盟自由贸易区内运营财务核算问题研究

    The Discussion on Accounting Related Problem of China-ASEAN Trade Acitivities for Logistic Companies

  23. 随着国外大型物流公司进入中国,中国物流企业的发展遇到了强大的阻力。

    With the entrance of foreign logistic companies , Chinese companies encounter powerful resistance .

  24. 跨国公司在华投资的物流策略与中国物流业的发展

    Distribution Strategy of MNC Investment in China and China 's Development in the Area

  25. 物流地产在中国的发展

    The development of logistics property in China

  26. 与发达国家物流比较,中国物流成本要高得多。

    Compared with the logistics of developed country , China 's logistics cost is much higher .

  27. 物流金融是中国最新形成的一种创新型服务,实现了物流与金融的有效结合。

    Logistics finance in China is a innovative service , it combines logistics and finance effectively .

  28. 进军物流业是中国铁路的重大战略决策。

    It is a significant strategic decision of Chinese railway industry to march into the logistics industry .

  29. 物流巨头的中国行动

    Logistics Giants'Action in China

  30. 同时,尽管物流产业在中国飞速发展,但仍处于发展的初步阶段。

    However , logistics industry is rapidly moving on ; it is still on primary stage comparing with these developed countries .