
  • 网络Physics formula
  1. 这位科学家因创立一系列的物理公式而著名。

    The scientist was famous for developing a series of physical formulas .

  2. 其经济系数为0.5左右。物理公式中的比例系数

    The economic rate is about 0.5 . Scals Coefficient in Physical Formulas

  3. 关于物理公式试用条件的探讨

    Probe into Adaptable Conditions for Physical Formulae

  4. 物理公式中的比例系数

    Scals Coefficient in Physical Formulas

  5. 语言不是数学公式,也不是物理公式,而是人们约定俗成,用来交际的玩意儿。

    Languages aren 't the formulas in math or physics ; they are just such tools to be used for communication by people .

  6. 从量纲理论来讨论物理公式中的比例系数取值不同的原因,并给出具体的分析方法。

    Dimensional theory is applied to analyze the different values of the scale coefficient in physical formulas , and the analytic methods are also offered .

  7. 通过实验和计算得到了填充聚氨酯泡沫燃油箱系统的静电电压积累数学表达式,基本符合静电电压经典物理公式。

    Eventually , the static voltage accumulation mathematical expression could be obtained by experiments and computation , which basically complied with the classic static physical equation .

  8. 在物理公式的教学与学习中,有意识的注意比例系数的取值以及取不同值所代表的物理意义,可以加深我们对物理规律和公式的认识,增进对事物本质的洞察能力。

    In teaching and learning physical formulas , special attention should be paid to the different values of the stale coefficient and their specific physical meanings as well in order to deepen our understanding of physics laws and formulas .

  9. 前者采用经验公式来模拟交互的过程,适用于实时应用;后者则采用精确的物理公式来计算,可以模拟出逼真的效果,但计算量大。

    The former simulates the process by the experienced formula , so it is adapted to the real-time application . The latter can simulate realistic effect by the exactly physical formula , but much time is needed . So the thesis adapts the procedural approach for the requirement of real-time .

  10. 结合理论分析与实测数据,修正了料流轨迹物理计算公式与VB程序中的参数设计,得到了能较好模拟实际情况的计算程序。

    Combined with theoretical analysis and experimental data , modified some influential parameters in equation of locus and VB program , then attained a program that can simulate actual situation better .

  11. 涂层目标散射的双站物理光学公式及其散射矩阵

    The Physical Optics Bistatic Formulae and Matrix from Coated Bodies

  12. 同时通过基于异质结双极晶体管器件物理的公式,给出了器件参数对器件最小噪声系数的影响。

    By means of the formulae derived from device physics of HBT , the influence of device parameters on the minimum noise figure is also represented .

  13. 其结论支持狭义相对论的基本原理,并且在低速近似下,自然回归到经典物理的公式。

    The conclusion supports the basic principle of the special theory of relativity , and regresses to the formula of classical theory naturally in low speed approximation .

  14. 对金割效应物理摆周期公式的讨论

    Discussion to the Equation of Period of Oscillation of the Physical Pendulum

  15. 你有没有高等物理考试的公式列表?

    Do you happen to have the formula sheet the AP Physics test ?

  16. 用自由焓最小法计算了白银熔池熔炼反应平衡时各相的组成,引入物理悬浮修正公式。

    The equilibrium compositions of Baiyin bath smelting process are calculated by the method of Gibbs energy minimization , and modified by physical suspension estimating equations .

  17. 论真空物理中流导公式的错误及其原因&兼论气体状态方程不适用于定常粘性流气体

    On the Inconsequence of the Formulae of the Flow Conductance in Physics of Vacuum ─ And on the Unsuitability of the ideal gas equation for the steady flow of viscous gas

  18. 第二、三两章分别从时间频率测量理论和卫星激光测距理论两方面介绍了激光时间传递技术中包含的基本物理概念及公式。

    Chapter 2 and 3 provide the primary concept and mathematical expressions for the time transfer by laser pulse in two aspects . One is time and frequency theory , the other is satellite laser ranging theory .

  19. 利用间苯三酚法,测定尿D-木糖排泄率;利用碘比色法测定尿淀粉酶含量;处死大鼠后,应用物理方法,公式计算脾脏指数及大鼠小肠推进率。

    Phloroglucinol method used to measure D-xylose urinary excretion rate ; use of iodine content of Determination of urinary amylase ; rats were sacrificed after the application of physical methods , calculated to promote the spleen index and rate of rat small intestine .

  20. 本文简介了KLY-1低能宽束离子源的结构,给出了物理设计的主要公式和调试实验的结果。

    The structure of a low energy and broad beam ion source , KLY-1 , is described . The main design formulae are given as well as results of adjustment and measurement .

  21. 计算猪肉、牛肉和鳕鱼的热物理性质的经验公式

    Empirical formulas for thermophysical properties calculation of Pork , Beef and Cod

  22. 静电收集数学物理模型及效率公式的研究

    Study on Mathematical and Physical Model and Collection Efficiency Formula of Electrostatic Precipitators

  23. 物理思维比物理公式更重要&大学物理教改探索之一

    Physical Idea is More Important Than Formula & An attempt to improve the effect of teaching college physics course

  24. 给出两种比较简单的推导卢瑟福散射公式的几何方法:利用圆锥曲线的基本知识并结合参数的物理意义得出卢瑟福公式。

    Using of some basic geometrical knowledge , together with the physical meaning of the parameter , the Rutherford scattering formula is easily deduced .

  25. 根据密度和膨胀系数的物理定义,通过公式推导,建立了相应的数学模型。

    The corresponding mathematic model has been established in accordance with the physical definition of the density and the expansion coefficient through formula derivation .

  26. 基于近海工程实践和水平荷载作用下单桩的变形特征,本文介绍了等效桩的一种新的物理模型和计算公式,并结合实例,详细阐述了这种等效桩的计算方法。

    Based on practice of offshore engineering and deflection characteristics of single pile under horizontal load , this paper presents a new physical model and calculation formula for the equivalent pile .

  27. 然后给出一种如何运用数学、物理上的一些公式构造相应的加密和解密算法的方法,并提供了这些算法如何与伪随机数结合的手段。

    And it presents a method that uses some formulas in mathematics and physics to construct corresponding encryption and decryption algorithms , and supplies a means to combine this algorithm with pseudo-random sequences .

  28. 本文用复变函数论的映射方法证明了一个普遍意义的矢量性物理量的合成公式,并证明了一个易于判定的充要条件。

    In this paper , the generalized vector composite formulas are proved by the mapping method of complex function , and a necessary and sufficient condition that can be used easily is proved too .

  29. 将反映这些物理过程的数学公式用非线性电路元件表示,组成了由非线性电阻、电容及受控电流源所构成的晶闸管模型。

    The mathematical formulas describing these physical process are replaced by corresponding nonlinear elements and an equivalent circuit model for a thyristor is formed which consists of nonlinear resistors , nonlinear capacitors and controlled current sources .

  30. 本文详细地分析了放大器非线性失真的主要参数&交扰调制比,二阶、三阶载波互调比的物理意义和计算公式,并由此推导出电缆电视系统的设计方法。

    This paper presents a detailed analysis to the physical meaning and calculation formula for the main parameters of nonlinear distortions in amplifier : cross modulation ratio , 2nd order cross modulation ration and 3rd order cross modulation ratio .