
  • 网络physics lab;CERN;LASP;NPL
  1. 用物流拣选技术管理物理实验室的方法

    How to Use Logistics Picking Technology to Manage the Physics Lab

  2. 物理实验室软件建设的实践与思考

    On Thought and Practice in Construction of Physics Lab Software

  3. 图灵在国家物理实验室做了一场关于ACE的演讲,拉普特·默卡前来参加。

    Alan had also given a talk on the ACE at the NPL which Rupert Morcom attended .

  4. 欧洲的粒子物理实验室&欧洲核子研究组织(CERN)的官员目前仍保持着沉默。

    The officials at the European particle-physics laboratory CERN , meanwhile , are tight-lipped .

  5. 1月21日,国家物理实验室的秘书长E·S·希斯考克报告:“邮政实验室已经成功地保持一个数值在延迟线上循环了半个小时。

    On 21 January E.S. Hiscocks , the NPL Secretary , had reported that ' the Post Office had succeeded in keeping a number circulating for half an hour through their delay line set-up .

  6. 但是就在两天后,威廉姆斯拒绝了国家物理实验室的合同,他为ACE工作的假象,就此彻底破灭了。

    But two days later Williams had declined the NPL contract and the illusion that he was doing work for the ACE finally crumbled away .

  7. 在国家物理实验室,从未有过这种跃变式的创新,ACE项目暴露了这个组织的保守和消极。

    There was no tradition of major innovation at the NPL , and the ACE project brought out the conservative and negative character of the institution .

  8. 周二,约翰霍普金斯应用物理实验室举行的发布会上,美国国家航空航天局(NASA)的科学家透露,他们已收集到来自冥王星的最新图像。

    During a news briefing at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory on Tuesday , NASA scientists revealed what they 've gleaned from the latest photos of Pluto .

  9. 去年7月,拥有大型强子对撞机(LargeHadronCollider)的欧洲粒子物理实验室CERN说,可能已经发现了类似希格斯的粒子。

    In July , the European particle-physics laboratory CERN , which runs an atom-smashing machine called the Large Hadron Collider , said it may have discovered a Higgs-like particle .

  10. 新奇核性质的研究&论HI-13串列加速器核物理实验室的发展

    Study of the property of exotic nuclei & about the development of HI-13 tandem accelerator Nuclear Physics Laboratory

  11. 蒙巴顿从国家物理实验室得到了这些消息,从他引用的不怎么准确的“下棋机器”可以看出,他肯定听到了图灵关于ACE的一些展望。

    He had taken his information from the NPL , and the inaccurate reference to chess-playing machines would suggest that he heard an excited Alan Turing talking about the future possibilities of the ACE .

  12. OPERA探测从瑞士日内瓦附近的CERN欧洲粒子物理实验室发射的穿透地层的的中微子。

    Lurking in Italy 's subterranean Gran Sasso National Laboratory , OPERA detects neutrinos that are fired through the earth from the European particle physics laboratory , CERN , near Geneva , Switzerland .

  13. 然后用户可以添加语音会议或Skype聊天,将其拥有的所有内容放在测试实验室中,除了物理实验室本身!

    A user can then just add a voice conference bridge or a Skype chat and have everything he 'd have in a test lab except for the physical lab itself !

  14. 是J.R.沃默斯利打来的,他是英国国家物理实验室的数学部门主管。

    It was from J. R. Womersley , Superintendent of the Mathematics Division at the National Physical Laboratory .

  15. 因此我不太想承认,这是我在CERN,是在瑞士的日内瓦,CERN是世界上最杰出的量子物理实验室。

    So maybe I don 't want to admit to that . This is me at CERN in Geneva , Switzerland , which is the preeminent particle physics laboratory in the world .

  16. 1946年11月22日,威廉姆斯与另外两位电子通信研究所的高层人员,R·A·史密斯和A·阿特里,来到国家物理实验室,跟沃默斯利和图灵一起商讨,该以什么样的方式合作,以帮助推动ACE项目。

    On 22 November 1946 , Williams , together with two other top TRE men R. A. Smith and A. Uttley , made a visit to the NPL ' to discuss with Mr Womersley and Dr Turing in what way help could be given to the ACE project . '

  17. 无论以何种方式,这个问题应该都会在2012年得到解决,欧洲粒子物理实验室和美国费米实验室(fermilab)都会继续这方面的实验。

    The question should be settled one way or another in 2012 , through further neutrino experiments at CERN and Fermilab in the US .

  18. 20年前的3月,当时在欧洲粒子物理实验室cern工作的蒂姆伯纳斯-李爵士(sirtimberners-lee)提议,创建一个能够管理实验信息、并允许人们通过一个超文本文件网络一起工作的网络。

    Twenty years ago this month , Sir Tim Berners-Lee , while working at CERN , the European particle physics laboratory , proposed a system that would manage information about its experiments and enable people to work together through a web of hypertext documents .

  19. 而TEAL项目所做的事情有很多,最重要的是提出了一个新观念,即引入物理实验室,以小型桌面实验为主的,在一种新型教室里进行。

    What TEAL does is a number of things , most importantly , from a lot of new point is we introduce physics laboratory at the terms of small desktop experience that are done in the classtory .

  20. JRW给图灵看了第一份关于EDVAC的报告,并建议他加入国家物理实验室,安排了面试,并说服了主席和秘书。

    JRW shows Turing the first report on the EDVAC and persuades him to join NPL staff , arranges interview and convinces Director and Secretary .

  21. 在国家物理实验室,图灵使用《EDVAC草案》中的符号标记来描述逻辑网络。

    The Draft Report on the EDVAC was there at the NPL , and Alan continued to make use of its notation for logical networks .

  22. 他邀请了ENIAC团队的成员H·D·哈斯基,作为休假在国家物理实验室度过1947年。当图灵回国时,哈斯基已经安顿好了。

    He had invited H.D. Huskey , one of the ENIAC team , to spend 1947 as a sabbatical year at the NPL , and he was already installed when Alan arrived back in a shivering Britain to give the last of the talks at the Ministry of Supply .

  23. JRW见到C.I.诺福科,设计累加器的电话工程师,并讨论了使用自动电话设备建造图灵机的计划,制订了简要的方案,并讨论了提交给国家物理实验室的可行性。

    JRW met C.I. Norfolk , a telephone engineer who had specialised in totalisator design and discussed with him the planning of a ' Turing Machine ' using automatic telephone equipment , Rough schematics prepared , and possibility of submitting a proposal to NPL discussed .

  24. 谈地方高校基础物理实验室的规范化管理

    The standardized administration on the basic physics laboratory of Local University

  25. 《普通物理实验室管理系统》的设计与开发

    The Design and Development of the Common Physics Laboratory Management System

  26. 物理实验室的演变及其对科学发展的作用

    The evolution of physics experiment laboratory and its function in science development

  27. 关于二级学院物理实验室建设的探讨

    The Research of Construction of Physics Laboratory of Second-class College

  28. 这是在哈佛大学物理实验室重新装配的。

    It was reassembled in the physics labs at harvard .

  29. 将物理实验室建成学生实践与创新的基地

    Build Physical Labs Into the Base of Students ' Practice and Innovation

  30. 还有一个更深层的困难,关于国家物理实验室内部的人员结构。

    A further problem lay in the internal structure of the NPL .