
  • 网络mineral specimens
  1. 玻璃柜里陈列着各种矿物标本。

    Ore specimens are on display in showcases .

  2. 这块矿物标本的成分与另外那块一样。

    This mineral specimen is the same as the other one in composition .

  3. 他是一家矿业公司的主管,他的工作是在巨石上钻洞以获取矿物标本。

    He worked as a supervisor at a mining company , boring holes in boulders to extract mineral samples .

  4. 所以,我就利用逗留期间,把这次收集来的矿物标本和动、植物标本加以整理,而斯各脱亚号的意外事件就是在这个时候发生的。

    In the meantime , then , I was busy classifying my mineralogical , botanical , and zoological treasures when that incident took place with the Scotia .

  5. 国家化石岩矿标本库信息网站已实现化石模式种数据及图片、岩石矿物标本数据及图片的数据库管理和多手段网上查询。

    National Storehouse of fossil minerals and rocks database website has accomplished the database management of fossil module data with picture documents , rocks and minerals specimens ′ data with picture documents , and multiple approaches to online inquiry .

  6. 他收集各种岩石和矿物的标本。

    He collects specimens of all kinds of rocks and minerals .