
kuànɡ shān pái shuǐ
  • mine drainage
  1. 黄铁矿是自然界中最常见的一种金属硫化物矿物,其氧化分解会造成重金属元素的释放以及酸的形成,尤其是酸性矿山排水(AMD)的形成会造成严重的环境污染。

    Pyrite is one of the most abundant sulfide minerals in curst . Heavy metal elements can be released during the oxidation of pyrite , together with the formation of acid mine drainage ( AMD ), which causes serious environment pollution .

  2. 矿山排水系统的技术经济分析

    Analysis on technology and economy of coal mine drainage system

  3. 酸性矿山排水被动处理方法研究进展

    The Passive Treatment System of Acid Mine Drainage Research Progress

  4. 矿山排水井水力设计中的若干问题的讨论

    On Some Problems of Hydrodynamic Design for Mine Unwatering Well

  5. 有几种泵性可以用于矿山排水。

    There are several pump and can be used to mine drainage .

  6. 矿山排水泵的节能串联

    Saving Energy Serial Connection of Drainage Pump for Mines

  7. 矿山排水引发的环境问题及其调控

    Environment Problems by Mine Drainage and Its Adjustment

  8. 矿山排水、压气设备选型设计计算机优选程序的探讨

    Computer programming for optimum selective design of mining drain equipment and air press equipment

  9. 邯郸邢台地区矿山排水与利用

    Mine Drainage and Utilization in Handan-Xingtai Areas

  10. 在1998年夏季和1999年春夏季期间,在重要的地段采集水样和大型无脊椎动物。并且对矿山排水参数进行野外和实验室分析。

    Water samples and macroinvertebrates were collected at strategic points during the summer of 1998 and spring and summer of 1999 . Field and laboratory analyses for mine drainage parameters were performed .

  11. 金属矿山井下排水排泥系统是重要的安全生产设施。

    Study and design about underground pumping water and mud system ;

  12. 矿山酸性排水的测量方法及评价

    Test methods of the acid drainage of metal mines and their evaluation

  13. 对于废弃矿山酸性排水的治理,主要有石灰石中和&微生物法和人工湿地处理法两种方法,而后者是一种更加理想的方法。

    For mine acidic waters , calcium carbonate neutralization with microbes and constructed wetland are two main treatments ; however , the latter is more effective .

  14. 针对我国矿山抢险排水中存在的问题,分析全贯流式轴流潜水电泵与大型矿用潜水电泵组成的接力排水系统存在的不足。

    Aimed at the problems existing in dealing with mine drainage emergency in our country , the disadvantage of the relayed drainage system composed by original entirely tubular axial-flow submerged pump and large-scale mine submerged pump is analyzed .

  15. 矿山在用排水泵效率检验方法的研究

    Study on Checking Methods of Efficiency of In-Service Mine Water Pump

  16. 岩溶塌陷主要是由于过量抽取地下水或矿山疏干排水、地下采空、暴雨触发;

    In Guanghua basin karst collapse is mainly due to excessively pumping groundwater , mining or heavy rains ;

  17. 用途:广泛适用于城市建筑、工厂、矿山的给排水,尤其适用于宾馆、饭店娱乐场所的制冷空调给水。

    Uses : widely used in urban construction , factories , mines , water supply and drainage , especially for hotels , restaurants , entertainment refrigeration air-conditioning water supply .

  18. 旋流泵作为一种无堵塞性能优良的泵,广泛应用于化工、矿山、城市排水等领域。

    The vortex pump is one kind of non-clogging pumps . It has been widely applied in the chemical engineering , the mine , urban draining and the other fields .

  19. 本文论述了由于采矿活动产生的一系列矿区环境水文地质问题,如矿山疏干排水、突水引起的地下水位大幅度下降,岩溶地面塌陷,水质污染;

    In this paper , a series of environmental hydrogeological problems caused by mining activity are discussed , for example , the groundwater lowering a great deal in large scope , the surface caving in of Karst , the water pollution caused by the drainage and water bursting of mine ;

  20. 在矿山开采疏干排水21年时,洪阳水源地的11号井、14号井和补2B井均报废,7号井需更换大扬程水泵方能继续使用。

    After 21 years of mining the No.11 well , No.14 well and No.2B well were scrapped , the NO.7 well needs replacing lift pump to use .

  21. 地下矿山吸入式主排水泵房中央变电所优化设计探索

    The exploration on optimized design of central substation of main inhalation dewatering pump room in underground mine

  22. 大型单级双吸中开式离心泵使用范围较广,不论工厂、矿山、城市给水排水还是农田排灌均可使用。它与单吸泵相比,有较大的流量,较好的吸上性能。

    Large-scale single-stage double suction centrifugal pumps used in open a wider scope , regardless of factories , mines , urban water supply and drainage or farmland irrigation and drainage can be used , compared with single-suction pumps , it have greater flow and better absorption performance .

  23. 通常,与高砷煤矿点距离近的土壤和沉积物中As含量分别高于远离矿山周边的土壤和沉积物中As含量,在接纳酸性矿山排水的水系沉积物中砷含量比周边的土壤中砷含量高。

    The arsenic content in the soil and sediment is usually higher at the vicinity of the coal mining area with high arsenic than that apart from the mining .

  24. 本文论述了山东省主要矿山地质灾害和矿区生态环境地质问题的现状及其危害,包括地面塌陷、水环境污染、矿坑突水、矿渣尾矿危害、矿山排水对地下水资源的破坏等。

    The present situation of main mining geo-hazards and eco-environmental issues in Shandong Province have been discussed , such as land collapse , water environment contamination , groundwater bursting in mining pit , slag and gangue harm , groundwater resources damage by mining drainage , etc. .