
  • 网络physical oceanography
  1. 为了检验本文所得到的理论结果,我们利用中国海洋大学物理海洋教育部重点实验室的三维内波-分层流水槽进行了Rankine卵形体生成内波的初步的实验室实验研究。

    In order to examine the theoretical results obtained in this thesis , a preliminary experimental study on the internal waves generated by Rankine ovoid is carried out in Key Laboratory of Physical Oceanography , Ocean University of China .

  2. 南沙群岛海域物理海洋数据库系统及其应用

    A physical oceanography database for Nansha Islands waters and its application

  3. 北部湾物理海洋模型的建立与验证

    The Construction and the Verification of Beibu Gulf Physical Oceanic Model

  4. 针对物理海洋数值计算普遍存在的部分问题,提出了新的计算方法。

    Some new methods for universal difficulty in physical ocean numerical calculation are put forward .

  5. 逆方法在物理海洋中的应用综述

    Review of inverse methods in Physical Oceanography

  6. 泛黄海海区的物理海洋特征

    Physical Oceanography in Pan-Yellow Sea Region

  7. 随着人们对海洋研究的深入,海洋湍流的研究已逐渐成为物理海洋研究的热点。

    With the deepening of marine research , ocean turbulence has gradually become a hotspot of physical oceanography .

  8. 物理海洋学科的现状&其特色及对社会、经济发展的意义

    The present situation of physical oceanography & its characteristics and significance in the development of society and economy

  9. 本文主要研究关于伴随数据同化的有关理论及其在物理海洋数值模型中的应用。

    In this thesis the theoretical aspects and applications of adjoint method to the oceanographic models are studied .

  10. 地球流体力学实验旋转平台&物理海洋实验室2号转台简介

    Rotating table for experiments of geophysical fluid dynamics ── a brief description of No. 2 rotating table of the physical oceanography Laboratory of the Ocean University of Qingdao

  11. 长江口的浅海区南侧有上升流出现,这可由物理海洋、海洋化学和海洋生物调查数据予以证实。

    The observed data of physical oceanography , marine chemistry and marine biology have verified that the upwelling occurred in the sea area south of the Changjiang River estuary shallow water area .

  12. 海浪破碎是海-气间动量、能量、物质交换过程中的一个重要机制,是物理海洋研究中的一个热点和难点。

    Wind wave breaking is an important component in the process of air-sea interaction , playing a primary role in the exchange of mass , momentum and energy between the atmosphere and the ocean . It is also a hot and difficult question of physical oceanography .

  13. 指出了不同生态类型的生物需要不同的物理海洋环境条件。人们对于氮在海洋环境中的循环过程的研究随着分析方法及对化学和生物知识的掌握和理解而不断加深。

    Therefore , in research of biological oceanography , reasonable explanation of oceanic ecological environment is necessary to the correct analysis of water type and current . Studies on nitrogen cycling in marine environment steps with the development of the analytical techniques and the knowledge of biological oceanography .

  14. 注重特色与创新,建设具有海洋院校特色的物理实验室海洋文化型民间舞蹈“鱼舞”、“跳马夫”以及“甩发舞”等形式,更具特色。

    The Characteristic and the Innovation Should be Paid Attention to When the Ocean University Physical Laboratory is Constructed The " Fish Dance ", the " Running Horse " and the " Hair Flinging Dance " have their special features .

  15. 研究了深度基准面模型的建立方法,主要利用物理海洋学的海洋数值模式来进行解算。

    The methods to build depth datum modeling were studied .

  16. 海洋环境的一个最典型特点就是海水处于无时无刻的运动之中,海水的各项物理性质、海洋中的各种物质也随之运动。

    The typical characteristic of the ocean environment is the ever moving sea water .

  17. 总之,台风与海洋工程学、物理海洋学和海洋生物学等学科有着密切的联系。

    In words , strong winds have a close relation with oceanic engineering , physical oceanography and marine biology .

  18. 海底地形是海洋地质学、海洋地球物理学、物理海洋学和海洋生物学等研究的基础资料,是影响海洋要素分布的重要因素之一。

    Submarine landform is the basic information of marine geology , marine geophysics , oceanography and marine biology research and is one of the important factors which affect the distribution of marine constituents .

  19. 从地质运动和物理作用使海洋成为动物植物的重要栖息地,这是对于整个世界的海洋具有重要影响。

    From the geological and physical processes that affect the ocean floor to the key habitat zones , flora , and fauna , this is the definitive reference to the world 's oceans for the entire family .

  20. 文章指出,从物理意义而言,海洋是个整体。

    The paper points out that the ocean is one unity in a physical sense .

  21. 目前,海洋地球物理勘探技术仍是海洋天然气水合物勘探和开发的主要技术,具有经济和高效等特点。

    As an economic and effective technique , marine geophysical survey is still the primary explorative technology at present .

  22. 海洋环境物理场主要包括海洋环境噪声场、环境磁场、水压场、电场等。

    Ocean ambient physic field mainly includes environment noise field 、 circumstance magentic field 、 hydraulic pressure field 、 electric field and so on .

  23. 海表面温度是海气界面上的一个物理量,受到海洋潮汐、海底地形等因素影响,并对海洋大气边界层有着重要的影响。

    It is affected by ocean tide and ocean bottom topography etc * SST has an impact on marine atmosphere boundary layer ( MABL ) .

  24. 此结果弥补了物理海洋学方法对海洋环境要素小尺度预报精度的不足,为船舶航行提供全域背景和信息决策指导。

    This results can compensate the precision shortcomings of the forecast results by physical oceanography method and could be the guidance of whole information background for ship navigation .

  25. 一直以来,天文台与社会同步前进。现时,天文台的研究及服务范围包括:天气预报、水文气象、气候、海洋物理、航空及海洋气象、辐射监测及评估。

    Since then , it has evolved in line with community needs providing services and studies on weather forecasting , hydrometeorology , climatology , physical oceanography , aviation and marine meteorology , and radiation monitoring and assessment .

  26. 此外,对泥沙输运过程中的再悬浮和沉降过程在泥沙输运过程中的影响做了初步的探讨,分析了不同物理过程下对海洋环境的影响。

    In addition , the sediment transport in the process of re-suspension and the process of settlement in the sediment transport influence in the process of doing a preliminary study , analysis of the different physical processes on the marine environment under the influence .

  27. 在天体物理、大气物理、海洋物理中人们早就开始了对混浊介质中光散射现象的研究,并因此而产生了研究混浊介质中光散射现象的各种理论。

    In astrophysics , atmospheric optics , marine optics , scattering phenomena of turbid media was studied early , and many kinds of theories about it were produced .

  28. 物理因素尤其是海水的动力过程更可能是珊瑚礁生长的限制性因素。南沙珊瑚礁的形态及其相关的沉积环境明显受本海区物理过程(海洋和大气)的控制。

    Characteristics of coral reefs and associated depositional environments of Nansha Islands waters reflect that physical factors especially water dynamic process , both oceanic and atmospheric , affect the growth of coral reef .