
  • 网络matter wave;de broglie;De Broglie Wave
  1. 研究了谐振势阱中同时呈线性和非线性耦合的BEC物质波亮孤子的演化特性和动力学行为。

    The dynamic characteristics of the linear and nonlinear coupling BEC matter wave bright solitons trapped an harmonic trap are investigated .

  2. 光衍射的物质波解释

    Interpretation of Light Diffraction from the Perspective of Matter Wave

  3. 论文的第二部分研究BEC物质波的四波混频。

    The second part of the thesis studies the four-wave mixing of BEC matter waves .

  4. 研究了在非线性空间调制下呈线性耦合的两组分BEC物质波亮孤子演化特性和相互作用。

    The evolution and interactions of the linear coupling two-component BEC matter-wave bright soliton are studied in the presence of spatially modulated nonlinearity .

  5. 自从实验观察到二元玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚体(Bose-EinsteinCondensates,BEC)现象以来,有关多组分BEC中的非线性研究已成为目前物质波研究领域中广泛关注的热点之一。

    Since the observation of two-component Bose-Einstein condensates ( BECs ) in the experiments , there are plenty of researches concentrating on the nonlinear phenomena of multi-component BEC .

  6. 实验成功地在玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚体(BEC)中观测到亮孤子和暗孤子,从而有关非线性物质波的研究成为人们广泛研究的热点之一。

    Since the bright and dark solitons in the Bose-Einstein Condensates ( BECs ) have been observed experimentally , the field of nonlinear matter waves has received extensive attention .

  7. 物质波的相速、群速和粒子速度

    Phase Velocity , Group Velocity and Particle Velocity of Mass Wave

  8. 物质波在原子波导中传输时的波导衔接激发

    Propagation of matter waves through the joint between two atomic waveguides

  9. 物质波光栅衍射的定量分析

    The Analysis Quantitatively the Grating Diffraction of Electron Probability Wave

  10. 类比方法在物理学研究中的作用&从物质波的发现谈起


  11. 从相对论看物质波的频率

    A relativistic view on the frequency of matter wave

  12. 提出了一种实现原子物质波干涉的新设想。

    A new method for building an atomic matter wave interferometry is proposed .

  13. 德布罗意及其物质波的提出与发展

    De broglie : the presentation and development of his theory concerning material wave

  14. 德布罗意和物质波的诞生

    De Broglie and the birth of matter waves

  15. 这篇文章中我们将用量子力学的方法研究物质波衍射问题。

    In this paper we study matter wave diffraction with a quantum mechanical approach .

  16. 原子物质波的聚焦及其原子透镜

    Atomic lenses using dhb ( dark hollow beam ) and its focusing of material wave

  17. 物质波多缝干涉的定量分析

    Quantitative Analysis for Matter-Wave Multiple-Slit Interference Effect

  18. 物质波理论与经典力学

    The Theory of Maves and Classical Mechanics

  19. 在穿越光场后,通过测量基态的空间分布,我们可以测量物质波隧穿光场的时间。

    The tunneling time can be measured via the measurement of spacial distribution of ground state .

  20. 我们还介绍了玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚中物质波孤子的研究现状。

    We also introduce the development process of matter wave solitons research in the Bose-Einstein Condensates .

  21. 德布罗意与物质波&纪念L.德布罗意逝世10周年

    De Broglie and matter wave

  22. 物质波在一个氢原子的球形体积内也只有一定的分立波才能发生共振。

    Only discrete wavelengths of matter waves may resonate within the spherical volume of a hydrogen atom .

  23. 物质波只有在明确地向质点模型转变的过程中才呈现出概率幅意义。

    The probability amplitude meaning will appear only in the transition of particle from wave to orbital particle .

  24. 采用三步法联立求解了双中心带输运物质波方程和二维耦合波方程。

    The three step method is used to solve both the band transport equation and the two-dimensional coupling equation .

  25. 这些结果在物质波干涉、量子测量、量子力学基本原理的验证等方而有着潜在的应用价值。

    These results could have potential application in matter wave interferometry , quantum metrology and test of quantum mechanics .

  26. 人们能轻松的,讨论单个光子,现在我们要说物质波了。

    People are very comfortable talking about individual photons , but now we can talk about waves of matter .

  27. 物质波在原子波导中的传播特性是原子光学的重要研究课题之一。

    In this paper , the propagation properties of matter waves through the joint between two atomic waveguides are investigated .

  28. 研究结果表明,系统参数对囚禁在双势阱中的物质波孤子的演化、交换特性和自陷行为产生重要影响。

    The results show that the system parameters influence on the evolution , switching characteristics and self-trapping behavior of matter-wave solitons .

  29. 本文分别讨论了机械波、电磁波、物质波在两种介质的分界面正入射传播时产生半波损失的本质。

    In this paper , we discuss the nature of half-wave loss about mechanical wave , electromagnetic wave and matter wave respectively .

  30. 他所做的就是,用电子的德布罗意运动,作为波并且对于那种物质波,给出波动方程。

    What he did was took de Broglie motion of the electron as a wave and developed a wave equation for such matter waves .