
  • extinction;species extinction;extinction of species
  1. 凯勒强调,这些调查结果并不否认,影响发生周围K-T边界,并指出,其中一个或几个可能的影响都有可能在大量物种灭绝中起作用。

    Keller stressed these findings do not deny that an impact occurred around the K-T boundary , and noted that one or possibly several impacts may have had a hand in the mass extinction .

  2. 而物种灭绝的速率,也已经开始上升。

    The rate of species extinction already appears to be accelerating .

  3. 人类正在导致过多物种灭绝,动物园也无济于事。

    Man is exterminating too many species for zoos to be much help .

  4. 有些物种灭绝了。

    Some species died out .

  5. 也是个关于在大规模的物种灭绝时代如何保护野生动物的故事。

    This is the story of wildlife conservation in the age of mass   extinction .

  6. 保育组织称,目前所知已经有80个淡水鱼物种灭绝,仅去年一年就有16个。

    Conservation groups say 80 species are known to have become extinct , 16 in the last year alone .

  7. 从来就不太招人喜欢的CD唱片,正一步步走向物种灭绝。

    The CD , never a much-loved object , is inching toward critical endangerment .

  8. 这一研究发现对某些理论是个不小的冲击,比如X行星或涅墨西斯星之类的天体曾造成地球上的物种灭绝。

    The finding deals a blow to theories that a Planet X - or Nemesis-type object may have caused periodic mass extinctions on Earth .

  9. Worm还说,一旦海洋生物物种灭绝,海洋就变得脆弱而更难以调节全球气候变化带来的冲击。

    When ocean species collapse , it makes the ocean itself weaker and less able to recover from shocks like global climate change , Worm said .

  10. 在地球演变史上,有五次大规模的物种灭绝。

    There have been five mass extinctions in Earth 's history .

  11. 栖息地毁坏与动物物种灭绝关系的模拟研究

    Study on the Relations Between the Animal Species Extinction and Habitat Destruction

  12. 雄性数量过多:一条通往物种灭绝的快车道?

    Too Many Males : A Fast Lane to Extinction ?

  13. 它们至少经历了四次地球物种灭绝,一直活到了今天。

    They have survived at least four planetary mass extinctions .

  14. 大自然母亲以及人类活动已使得很多物种灭绝。

    Mother Nature and humankind have obliterated countless species .

  15. 必须在该物种灭绝之前停止捕捞。

    Fishing must stop before the species is exterminated .

  16. 环境的破坏每年使成百上千种物种灭绝。

    Depre dation of the environment is destroying hundreds of species each year .

  17. 对化石的研究表明,历史上曾发生过5次大规模的物种灭绝。

    Studies of fossils had pointed to five great extinctions in the past .

  18. 这一趋势有助于延缓第6次大规模物种灭绝。

    Exporting that trend could help stave off the gathering sixth mass extinction .

  19. 通常情况下,人类是物种灭绝的主要原因。

    As is often the case , humans are the primary cause of extinction .

  20. 反思物种灭绝与生物多样性

    Transposition Reflection upon Species Depopulation and Biological Diversity

  21. 这篇文章总结到厨房的时尚总是在变,但物种灭绝是永远的。

    The article concludes that culinary trends come and go , but extinction is forever .

  22. 有科学家预言,到2100年,将有50%的已知物种灭绝!

    Some scientists predict that by2100 there will be50 % of the known species extinction !

  23. 由于人类活动的影响,全球范围内的物种灭绝正在以前所未有的速率进行着。

    Human activities are triggering some of the most rapid species extinctions in global scale .

  24. 在土地使用的变化可能导致生境和物种灭绝的损失。

    Changes in land use may result in loss of habitat and extinction of species .

  25. 菌种库的建立,将野外采集到的健康、成熟、无病虫害、新鲜的子实体进行分离、制种,进行扩大繁殖,防治物种灭绝。

    The construction of fungal spawn bank can be used to enlarge reproduction lest species extinction .

  26. 物种灭绝的若干种可能的序

    Some potential orders of species extinction

  27. 她说非夏威夷本土的动植物引入是促使物种灭绝的主要原因。

    She said a major cause of the extinctions are plants and animals not native to Hawaii .

  28. 在这种专题化的栖居状况下,人们不得不面临着诸如环境污染、物种灭绝等生态问题。

    In this situation , man has to confront such problems as environmental protection and species extinction .

  29. 鹦鹉螺化石证明地球曾经历大规模物种灭绝

    The Fossil of Nautilus Proves that the Earth Had ever Experienced the Extinction of Tremendous of Species

  30. 是有一些物种灭绝,如猛犸,但是遗传的多样性正在不断的增加。

    Yes there is some extinction , like the Mammoth , but genetic diversity is continually increasing .