
wù hòu xué
  • phenology
物候学[wù hòu xué]
  1. 在生长速度和物候学上的差异是大的。

    The differences in growth rate and phenology are large .

  2. 永顺落叶木莲开花与结实物候学研究

    Study on the phenology of blooming and fruiting of Manglietia deciduas Q.Y.Zheng

  3. 新疆北部棉铃虫越冬代羽化物候学模型美洲斑潜蝇发生的物候学模型

    Phenology Model for Cotton Bollworm Overwinter Generation in North Xinjiang

  4. 矮嵩草草甸植物种群物候学定量研究

    A Quantitative Study on the Plant Population Phenology in Kobresia humilis Meadow

  5. 合肥地区物候学的初步研究

    A preliminary study on phenology in the Hefei district

  6. 《黄帝内经》的医学物候学理论与临床应用

    Medical Phenological Theory and Clinical Application in Huangdi 's Internal Canon MEDICAL SCIENCE

  7. 金银花产量和质量的物候学分析

    Phenological Analysis upon Yield and Quality of Flos Lonicerae

  8. 《新物候学&生态数学预测的原理》简介

    New Phenology . Elements of Mathematical Forecasting in Ecology

  9. 我国北方荒漠化地区主要灌木种的物候学研究

    A phenological study on Main Shrub Species in the desertification region of northern China

  10. 阿月浑子花序生长和花期物候学研究

    Inflorescence Growth and Flowering Phenology of Pistachio

  11. 物候学就是科学家们所说的在自然中研究每个事件的时间。

    Phenology is what scientists call the study of the timing of events in nature .

  12. 侧柏球花的发端发育及物候学高铁混合垢化学清洗技术

    Cone Initiation and Development , and Phenology Studies on the Cleaning of High-ferro Mixed Encrustation

  13. 物候学在生态监测中的应用

    Application of phenology in ecological monitoring

  14. 巴旦杏花物候学与形态学研究

    Flowering phenology and morphology on almond

  15. 虫害引起物候学变化小的植物具有较强的耐虫性;

    Less change in plant phenology may be one of the more widespread mechanisms of tolerance .

  16. 对有关基因资源作了形态学、物候学、形态与生长、材性、同功酶谱等的调查与分析。

    Form traits , phenology and relations of origin to growth , wood properties and isozymes were investigated .

  17. 南京地区马尾松物候学变化和球花发端期的亚显微结构

    A Study on the Ultramicroscopic Structure of Pinus massoniana in Strobil 's Starting Period Related to Change of Phenology

  18. 目前对物候学的研究方向主要集中在探讨物候与气候变化之间的关系。

    At present , the researches focus on the study of the relationship between phonological changes and climate change .

  19. 物候学的数据,正如前面一节里指出的那样,通常是采用日历的天数作依据。

    Phenological data , as mentioned in the previous section , is often taken on a calendar day basis .

  20. 第三章,为自然科学史方面,包括古代天文学、地理、医学及气象物候学四部分。

    The third chapter is about the history of science including ancient astronomy , geography , physic , and phenology .

  21. 各树种的物候学特性除和环境密切相关外还与其生物学特性有关。

    The phenological characteristics of each species are closely related with its environment as well as with its biological character .

  22. 共收集到浙贝母地方品种9个,研究了各材料的植株形态、物候学特性、抗病性(灰霉病和黑斑病)、生物碱含量、产量性状和繁殖率。

    Nine local varieties of Fritillaria thunbergii were collected and their plant morphology , phenology , disease resistance yield characters and breeding rate were studied .

  23. 物候学是当今研究气候变化的一个重要部分,物候学的研究对气候变化趋势的分析及人类对气候变暖的响应等具有重要的理论意义和实践价值。

    Phenology is one of the major indicators of climate change . The research on phenological response is an important part of the environmental variation .

  24. 竺可桢的主要著述包括:《中国气象概论》、《物候学》、《气象与农业相互关系》和《竺可桢文集》。

    His major works include An Outline 0f Meteorology in China , Phenology and The Inter-relationship between Meteorology and Agriculture as well as Selected Works of Zhu Kezhen .

  25. 物候学是研究自然界以年为周期重复出现的各种生物现象的发生时间及其与环境条件周期性变化相互关系的科学。

    Phenology is the science of the relationship between the time of occurrence of the various biological phenomenon of nature to cycle recurring , cyclical changes and environmental conditions .

  26. 本文主要从榕树物候学、榕小蜂繁殖行为学和生态学三个方面展开对西双版纳热带雨林下的歪叶榕和假斜叶榕两种榕树的繁殖机制研究。

    This paper presents for the first time information on the reproductive ecology of two dioecious fig species , mainly on their phenology , the reproductive behaviors of associated fig wasps and ecology .

  27. 本试验研究了福建省25个不同垂直、水平分布的马尾松天然群体的遗传变异,并对球果、种子形态,苗期生长和物候学等34个性状作了分析。

    Genetic variations between and within 25 masson pine 's natural populations were studied in relation to their vertical and horizontal distributions in Fujian Province . Thirty-four traits were investigated and analysed , including cone and seed morphology , seedling growth , and phenology .