
wù zhì dài xiè
  • material metabolism
  1. 细胞中有许多生物反应通路,比如物质代谢通路、基因表达通路、DNA复制通路、信号转导通路等等,其中最复杂的就是信号转导通路。

    There are many biological response paths in a cell , such as material metabolism paths , gene express paths , DNA duplication paths , signal transduction paths and so on .

  2. 基于MFA的区域物质代谢研究

    Research on Regional Material Metabolism Based on Material Flow Analysis

  3. 猪瘟病毒DNA疫苗的构建及动物免疫试验细胞因子对动物免疫与物质代谢的影响

    Construction of CSFV E2 Envelope Protein Gene Vaccine and Animal Immune Experiment Effects of Cytokine on Animal Immunity and Metabolism

  4. 生物体内能量物质代谢动力学的~(31)pNMR研究进展

    Progress in ~ ( 31 ) p NMR studies on metabolism of energy substances in vivo and in vitro

  5. 结果表明,饲料中添加不同硒源对肉鸡营养物质代谢率无显著影响(P0.05)。

    The results showed that different selenium sources did not significantly affect nutrient metabolism of the broilers .

  6. 研究了设施栽培条件下曙光油桃根系的碳氮物质代谢、POD和SOD活性的动态变化。

    Dynamics of physiological and biochemical metabolism of nectarine roots were studied with Shuguang nectarine variety grown under protected cultivation conditions .

  7. 牛初乳短链IGF-1对STZ糖尿病大鼠物质代谢及肾脏的影响

    Effect of bovine colostrum truncated igf_1 on metabolism and kidney in STZ-induced diabetic rats

  8. 结果在被检测的12800个基因中,一些与细胞物质代谢和物质转运有关基因的表达在高致瘤性K562n细胞与K562细胞之间有显著的变化。

    Results Some genes related to cell metabolism and material transport were differently expressed between K562-n and K562 cells .

  9. GO分类和功能聚类分析发现,在肝硬化和肝再生中,免疫反应、炎症反应、细胞迁移、粘附等生理活动增强,各种物质代谢活动减弱。

    GO classifications and functional cluster analysis found that physiological activities including immune and inflammatory response , cell migration and adhesion were increased both in LC and in LR , whereas various metabolic activities were decreased .

  10. CRF本身所继发的物质代谢紊乱或者有毒代谢产物的潴留可能不是导致LP(α)上升的主要原因,而CRF的原发病则至少是引起CRF患者血清LP(α)水平升高的主要原因之一;

    Primary etiological factors rather than CRF itself are the main reasons of sera LP (α) elevation .

  11. 目的:探讨克伦特罗(CL)影响机体物质代谢的有关肝脏机制。

    Aim : To examine the liver mechanism with which clenbuterol ( CL ) is explained how to affect growth metabolism .

  12. 结果表明,激光诱发的N(200)波和P(300)波波幅增高,可能与其加速脑能量代谢率并降低脑内生物活性物质代谢率有关。

    The results show that the increased amplitudes of N_ ( 200 ), P_ ( 300 ) could be related to the increased metabolism rate of brain energy and the decreased biosynthesis of bioactive substances .

  13. Terbutaline对肉仔鸡胴体组成及体内物质代谢的影响

    Effect of Terbutaline on Carcass Composition and Nutrient Metabolism in Broilers

  14. 结论1HMRs发现物质代谢变化是有规律的,变化的区域大于MRI中可见病变区,为早期诊断提供了可能性。

    The area of abnormal metabolite found in RE with 1H-MRS is larger than in the visible lesion with MRI . This provides the possibility of earlier detection .

  15. 线粒体是真核生物中重要的细胞器,除了ATP合成以外还参与物质代谢、细胞凋亡等多种生理过程。

    As an important organelle , apart from its central role in ATP production , mitochondrion is involved in many physical processes such as metabolism and apoptosis .

  16. 肝脏是人体内最大的腺体,其主要功能包括物质代谢、解毒、防御、激素系统稳态、血液存储和pH调节、造血和免疫调节等。

    The liver is the largest gland in the human body . Its main functions include metabolism , detoxification , defense , hormone system homeostasis , blood storage and pH regulation , hematopoiesis and immune regulation .

  17. 本文为进一步揭示NH4N与NO3N作氮源时,对苹果树生长发育过程中物质代谢与植株形态的相互作用的研究打下了基础。

    This article could provide a basis of further studying the interaction between metabolism and morphology in the growth and development of apple plants when NH_4-N and NO_3-N were used as nitrogen sources .

  18. 烟粉虱为害烟草后与酚类物质代谢有关酶苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)的活性在不同叶位均升高,而虫体叶的活性升高的最多。

    The Phenolic metabolism enzyme phenylalanine ammonia-lyase ( PAL ) activity in different positions leaves increased , and the activity in damage leaves increased largest .

  19. 对玉米Mo(17)核背景三种雄性不育细胞质(T、C、S)系及正常可育细胞质(N)系小孢子发育过程中花药组织的物质代谢系统进行了研究。

    The material metabolic system of isonuclear alloplasmic lines on M_ ( o17 ) nuclear background with three male & sterile cytoplasms T. C. Tang Xu ( S ) and normal ( N ) cytoplasm was studied .

  20. 在考察反应条件的基础上,对邻氯硝基苯CO选择还原反应的动力学进行了研究。根据试验结果,增强成熟期间的物质代谢,是乙烯利催熟的重要生理原因之一。

    The acceleration effect of surfactant on the reaction was discussed . According to the experimental results , the acceleration of metabolic activity during the maturity period is one of the physiological causes of the ripening effect .

  21. IGFs具有促进生长发育、细胞的增殖和分化、物质代谢等生理功能。

    IGFs played physiological roles on promoting growth , cell proliferation , differentiation and stimulating metabolism .

  22. 多发性硬化是一种以中枢神经系统炎性脱髓鞘为特征的慢性疾病,而Wernicke脑病是与物质代谢紊乱有关的疾病。

    Multiple sclerosis is an inflammatory demyelinating disease , and Wernicke 's encephalopathy is caused by deficiency of thiamine .

  23. MAO-B在脑内占80%,是参与体内单胺类物质代谢的主要酶类。

    MAO-B is the major enzyme in the metabolism of monoamine neurotransmitters and it accounts for eighty percent .

  24. API-MS离子化规律及LC-MS联用技术在药物和内源性物质代谢中的应用研究

    Ionization Regulation of API-MS and Application Studies on LC-MS Hyphenated Technique in the Metabolism of Drugs and Endogenous Substances

  25. 结果:1、治疗组较对照组在消化系统,物质代谢障碍,高血压方面副作用显著轻微,P0.05,在中枢兴奋症状,向心性肥胖,骨质疏松方面无显著改善,P0.05;

    Results : 1 the side effects in digestive system , metabolic dysfunction , hypertension are slighter in the first group , P0.05 ; there are no differences in central agitation symptoms , osteoporosis and centrality obesity , P0.05 ;

  26. 发酵进行2d、4d和8d时物质代谢活跃,该阶段为发酵过程中的关键时间。

    The metabolism of chemical compositions was active 2 d , 4 d , and 8 d followed the fermentation , which was the critical time in the fermentation process .

  27. 另外,植物某些器官的发育以及细胞内物质代谢,也受到WRKY蛋白的调控。

    In addition , it also regulated the growth and development of plant organ and metabolism , such as sugar .

  28. AMPK在运动适应过程中对调节细胞能量代谢和物质代谢,维持细胞自稳态具有重要作用。

    AMPK plays a major role in the process of adaptation to exercise to regulate energy metabolism and material metabolism and to keep the homeostasis in skeletal muscle cells .

  29. 转移鼠模型的胃癌细胞在脾虚状态时,有许多涉及胃癌细胞分化、凋亡、增殖和物质代谢等的癌症相关基因的表达与SGC-7901相比有较大差异。

    Observed the obvious difference of gene expression , which involve in differentiation , apoptosis , proliferation , material metabolism of gastric carcinomatous cell , between SGC-7901 and gastric carcinomatous cells of this model .

  30. miRNA广泛分布于各种真核生物中,参与机体细胞增殖、分化、凋亡、胚胎发育、物质代谢、肿瘤发生与抑制和细胞信号转导等各项生命活动。

    MiRNA is widely distributed in various eukaryotic organisms , involved in cell proliferation , differentiation , apoptosis , embryonic development , metabolism , and tumor inhibition and cell signal transduction and other life activities .