
  1. 大庆油田物资价格管理体系研究

    Management System Is Studied at the Price of Goods and Materials of Daqing Oil Field

  2. 并叙述了构建辽河油田采购物资价格信息管理系统的初步构想。

    It also states the initial configuration of price information administration system for material procurement in Liaohe Oilfield .

  3. 此外,高涨的钢铁和水泥等基础建筑物资价格,已经推升了开发成本。

    On top of this , soaring prices for basic construction goods like steel and concrete have driven costs up .

  4. 大宗物资价格合理性的探讨辉钼矿中微量锡的分离与测定

    THE RATIONAL DISCUSSION OF THE LARGE AMOUNT METERIAL PRICE Separation and Spectrophotometric Determination of Trace Amount of Tin in Molybdenite

  5. 如何有效地实施物资价格管理,以解决上述及种种其他企业管理弊病,这是一个亟待解决的现实问题。

    How to implement the price control of goods and materials effectively , in order to solve above-mentioned and all sorts of other business administration disadvantages , this is a realistic problem urgently to be solved .

  6. 鉴于此,本文即选取了我国大型能源开采和加工类企业&大庆油田物资价格管理体系作为研究对象。

    In view of this , this text has chosen energy exploiting and processing type enterprises - the management system of the price of goods and materials of Daqing oil field of our country and large-scale as the research object promptly .

  7. 但由于各模块间协调配合时的任务不够明确,造成导入系统检修物资价格与实际入账价格不符,因而实际运行后检修预算控制不够准确。

    But because of the modular coordination of tasks were not clear enough , causing import does not match the system overhaul recorded material prices and the actual price , and after the actual operation maintenance budget control is not accurate enough .

  8. 其中表象问题包括采购周期、采购物资价格和品质问题、采购协调及库存等问题;深层次问题包括采购流程、采购计划编制、采购组织、供应商管理等问题。

    Appearance of which include the procurement cycle , procurement of goods prices and quality problems , such as procurement and inventory coordination problems ; deep-rooted problems , including the procurement process , procurement planning , procurement organizations , supplier management and so on .

  9. 在辽河油田采购物资价格管理体系再造中,提出了切合实际的管理理念,制定了价格管理应遵循的原则,给出了体系的结构层次和内部职责规定,规定了体系流程。

    In the reconstruction of the material procurement price administration system , the essay puts forward the feasible administration ideology , formulates the principle for price administration , provides system structure and level as well as the internal responsibilities and stipulates the process of the system .

  10. 企业材料物资计划价格管理的思考

    Deep Think on the Enterprise Goods and Materials Plan Prices Management

  11. 军用物资订购价格扭曲成因及对策浅探

    Price distortion of military material order : cause and countermeasure

  12. 找出规避重点物资的价格变动带来的经营风险的方法。

    To find out the method to avoid the risk that the fluctuated price of the point supplies bring .

  13. 物资采购价格审核测算系统是为有效降低煤炭系统物资采购成本而研制开发的。

    The material purchase price approving and calculating system is developed for reducing effectively material purchase cost in coal system .

  14. 但是全球经济的低迷将有利于印度控制通胀,因为包括石油和商品在内的重要进口物资的价格都将下降。

    But a global slowdown could help tamp inflation by bringing down the prices of key inputs like oil and commodities .

  15. 另外,烤煤、化肥和农药等烟用生产物资的价格也已经市场化。

    In addition , the price of coal , fertilizer and pesticide which are used in planting tobacco leaf are also decided by market .

  16. 期货市场、买卖双方垄断、储备量、进出口来源地、政府服务等都是大宗进出口物资国际价格形成的主要决定因素。

    Futures market , monopoly and monopsony , quantity of reserves , origin of imports and exports , and government services are all the main determinants .

  17. 大宗进出口物资国际价格形成不仅仅决定于国际市场的供求因素,还包含着其它一些共同起作用的因素。

    The formation of the international price of bulk imports not only depends on supply and demand on the international market , but also involves other factors .

  18. 对帐篷的需求导致其价格涨了四倍,居民们抗议,尽管政府已经命令零售商们控制救灾物资的价格上涨。

    Demand has pushed up the cost of a small tent fourfold , residents complain , despite government orders to retailers to rein in prices of relief-related materials .

  19. 系统试运行阶段,物资采购价格平均降低1.2%,采购平均时间缩短4天,客户满意度提高了10个百分点。

    In the system test operation stage , material purchase prices fell 1.2 % averagely , purchasing cycle was been shortened four days averagely and customer satisfaction was been increased of 10 percentage points .

  20. 石油作为一种战略物资,其价格波动与预测历来是研究的重点领域。

    Oil as a strategic material , the fluctuation and forecast of its price has always been the focus of the research area .

  21. 有些分析家认为人民币的迅速增值将会降低中国主要进口物资例如石油的价格而降低通货膨胀压力。

    Some analysts said the fast appreciation of the yuan would make China 's imports of major commodities such as oil cheaper , thus reducing the inflationary pressure .

  22. 成品油不仅是重要的战略能源,也是重要的民用物资,成品油价格向来就是社会关注热点。

    Product oil is the important not only of energy strategy , but also of civil materials , so product oil price is coming into the focus on society .