
  • 网络Material distribution;Physical Distribution
  1. 基于GIS的现代物流管理系统开发及其应用&以物资配送为例

    Exploitation and Application of Modern Logistics Administrative System Based on GIS & Take Material Distribution as a Case

  2. 优化检验模式提高检验效率确保物资配送

    Ensuring Material Distribution by Optimizing Inspection Model and Improving Test Efficiency

  3. 动态规划和整数规划在应急物流物资配送优化中的应用研究

    Application of Dynamic Programming and Integer Programming in Emergency Materials Distribution Optimization

  4. 物资配送是物流管理的核心工作。

    Material distributing is a core task in material management .

  5. 物资配送中心的物流调度与优化研究

    Study of Optimization and Stream Scheduling of Goods Distributing Center

  6. 基于蚁群算法的供应链物资配送系统优化

    Optimization of Distribution System of Supply Chain Based on Ant Colony Algorithm

  7. 研究了模糊环境下应急物资配送问题。

    This paper studied the distribution problem of emergency material under fuzzy environment .

  8. 智能化物资配送系统研究概要

    Research on Intelligent Material Distributing Systems : An Outline

  9. 建立高效的军事物资配送体系

    Constructing of high - efficient military distribution system

  10. 油田企业物资配送系统仿真研究

    The Simulation of Distribution System in Oilfield Enterprise

  11. 重约束条件下物资配送的优化算法

    Material Distribution Optimal Algorithm Under Multi - constraint

  12. 地市供电公司业扩物资配送管理信息系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Business Expanding Material Information Management System for City Power Supply Company

  13. 长输管道建设物流管理新模式&物资配送

    New Mode of Logistics Management of Long Distance Pipeline Construction & Goods and Materials Distribution

  14. 煤炭企业内部物资配送

    Material Distribution inside Coal Enterprises

  15. 关于物资配送的探讨

    On Material Distribution and Delivery

  16. 在应急物流体系建设中,要充分考虑怎么控制这些风险,因此,应急物资配送风险识别与分析是十分有必要的。

    During the building of emergency logistic system , how to control these risks must be considered fully .

  17. 在中心城市建立物资配送中心是对城市物资流通的客观要求。

    To set up a materials center in the central city is an objective demand upon urban aterial circulation .

  18. 连锁经营、代理制、物资配送等新的营销方式继续发展。

    New marketing ways such as chain operation , agency system , material distribution and the like are developed smoothly .

  19. 而物资配送则是与社会化大生产接轨的社会化流通方式。

    And the distribution of materials is a mode of socialized circulation which connects the track of socialized mass - production .

  20. 物资配送是供应链上的重要环节,涉及供应商、制造商、分销商等重要节点。

    Commodity distribution is an important part of supply chain , involving suppliers , manufacturers , distributors and other important nodes .

  21. 车辆调度问题是军用物资配送的核心,也是军事物流系统优化的关键环节。

    The vehicle scheduling problem is crucial for military material distribution , and is important to the optimization of the military logistics system .

  22. 希望本文完成的风险识别与分析能对我国应急物资配送体系的风险控制和流程优化具有参考意义。

    The author hope that the risk identification and analysis of this paper may serve as a reference for risk control and process improvement of the emergency logistic delivery system .

  23. 代表先进物流方式的物资配送问题,引起了人们的关注。本文就物资配送的几个问题作一些探讨。

    Material distribution and delivery , which represents the advanced way in material circulation , catches people 's attention , and some problems in this field are discussed in the article .

  24. 目前已经在运南方、华东、山东、川渝、华中等区域物资配送中心。

    At present , regional material distribution centers have been put into operations in Southern China , Eastern China , Shandong Province , Sichuan Province , Chongqing Municipality and Central China , etc.

  25. 战时装备应急保障中物资配送线路的优化选择和维修点的设置,对应急保障的速度、成本、效益和安全至关重要。

    The choice and optimizing of equipment delivering path and setting of equipment maintaining point are very important to the speed , cost , benefit and security of emergency maneuver equipment support .

  26. 根据马钢的企业生产和供应的现状,提出企业供应物流的内部配送准时化,并对物流配送进行了初步探讨,提出创造条件逐步把企业总仓库建成一个物资配送中心。

    In accordance with the present situation of production and supply in Ma - Steel , the article advance that the material supply with JIT in the enterprises probes into the way of distribution .

  27. 从物流角度对军事后勤进行剖析,初步探讨了军事物资配送渠道的构建及配送关系确立,并提出建立军事物资配送体系的几点建议。

    This paper has analyzed the army logistics on the perspective of Logistics , done some research in the distribution channel construction and the relation establishment , and proposed some advises on constructing distribution system .

  28. 在综合考虑各种影响因素及制约条件的基础上建立了电网公司物资配送中心选址优化模型,对目前优化模型中存在的不足进行了弥补,并用智能算法加以实现。

    After considering the various effects factors and the constraints material of the grid corporation distribution center location optimization model , optimization model , the current shortcomings were up , and use intelligent algorithms to be achieved .

  29. 提出了{-1,1}二次约束二次整数规划的强化半定规划松弛模型。动态规划和整数规划在应急物流物资配送优化中的应用研究

    A tight semidefinite relaxation of the quadratically constrained quadratic - 11 optimization problem is obtained , which improves several previous SDP relaxations in the literature . Application of Dynamic Programming and Integer Programming in Emergency Materials Distribution Optimization

  30. 然后详细分析阐述铁路应急物流配送体系,介绍了应急物流决策指挥体系,分析应急需求响应,重点讨论应急物资配送问题,并提出了公铁应急联运策略。

    We formulates railway emergency logistics distribution system , introduces the emergency command system of logistics decision-making , analyzes the response of emergency demands , and emphasizes the distribution problems of emergency supplies , and proposes strategies about railway-road combined transportation .