
  1. 为在突发事件发生时能快速响应,企业必须做好应急物资准备工作。

    All these issues effected the work of emergency response for unexpected occupational poisoning accident .

  2. 维和二级医院护理人员建制、强化训练及物资准备

    Organizational System of Nurses , Consolidating Training and Material Preparation of the Peacekeeping Level-2 Hospital

  3. 应从施工技术、施工物资准备和劳动力组织等方面进行精心筹划运作。

    It should be planned from construction technology , material preparation , labor organization , and etc.

  4. 应急物资准备是突发职业中毒事故应急救援成功的关键因素。

    Emergency materials preparedness is the key factor of success emergency response for unexpected occupational poisoning accident .

  5. 但是他并没有参与后期大量的计划和物资准备过程。

    Don Walsh , a pioneer of deep ocean diving who worked on the Arctic plan with the Russians , backed the account .

  6. 关于防灾减灾技能、物资准备方面的内容涉及较少,且主要集中在课堂的讲授、演示,学生的实际演习较少等问题。

    While skills on disaster prevention and mitigation materiel readiness aspects involved less , and the main focus is in the classroom lectures and demonstrations , student practical exercises is less , and also has other issues .

  7. 维和物资准备。在前期集训和后来执行维和任务过程中得出了一些经验教训英语是护士集训的重点和难点,一专多能是完成维和任务的关键,充足的医疗护理物资是完成维和任务的前提。

    We got some experiences and lessons as follows : English study is very important and difficult for nurses , it is the key for nurses to master all kinds of medical skills and it is the precondition to prepare the enough medical material to complete the peacekeeping tasks .

  8. (三)抢险救援人员的组织和资金、物资的准备;

    Preparation of manpower , funds and materials for rescue and disaster relief ;

  9. 北越仍在向前运送物资,准备进攻顺化和昆嵩。

    The North Vietnamese were still moving up supplies for the attack on Hue and Kontum .

  10. 我们不单止要带领分享会,我们还要负责筹划、安排物资和准备所有活动的细节。

    Not only did we have to lead the sharing , we were also responsible for planning , logistics , and every detail of the event .

  11. 许多受打击最严重的社区由于缺乏救济而变得怨声载道,这些志愿者都做好运送物资的准备—即使没人确定什么时候才能送达给那些有需要的人。

    With anger rising in many of the worst-afflicted communities over the lack of relief , these volunteers are readying supplies-even though no one is sure when they will reach those in need .

  12. 我们的目标是更加快速地为战士提供物资,把好的物资准备的更好,使其生命期的花费最小化,提升我们陆军采购、后勤以及技术领域内的协调能力和工作效率。

    Our goal is to provide products to the soldier faster , make good products even better , minimize life-cycle costs and enhance the synergy and effectiveness of our army 's acquisition , logistics and technology communities .