
  • 网络Traction Power;tractive power;Drawing power
  1. 为节省动力和更有效地利用燃料,对旋耕机的牵引功率利用系数与旋耕进距的关系进行了研究。

    In order to save power and use fuel more efficiently , the relationship between the rotator 's traction power coefficient and the rotator width was studied in this article .

  2. 这种机车还具有牵引功率大、电阻制动功率大、轴重可调、机车控制系统和信息显示系统先进、牵引性能和动力学性能优良等优点。

    The locomotive has such advantages as heavy traction power , powerful rheostatic brake , adjustable axle-load , advanced locomotive control system and information indication system , and superior traction and dynamic performance .

  3. 采煤机牵引功率与截割功率的匹配关系

    Matching Relation between Traction and Cutting Power of Shearer

  4. GB/T3871.9-1993农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法第9部分牵引功率试验

    Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors & Part 9 : Drawbar power tests

  5. 摊铺机牵引功率计算

    Traction Power Calculation for Paver

  6. 在内燃机车使用初期,由于运行速度低,牵引功率小,所以对机车运行过程中振动的控制要求并不高。

    In the beginning , because of low speed and power of diesel locomotive , vibration control of carbody was undemanding .

  7. 高速铁路列车速度快、行车密度大,要求牵引功率高,电力牵引成为高速铁路动力牵引的必然选择。

    For the rapidity and traffic density of trains on high-speed railway , larger traction power is needed , so the electric power supply is adopted .

  8. 例如,由于需要特大牵引功率来克服地表稠密大气所产生的阻力,高速列车必须放弃机车牵引,采用动车组模式;

    For example , because the extra high traction power is required to overcome the drag of the surface condensed air , the motor units have to be used instead of locomotive traction ;

  9. 运用运输机械理论,检验DSP&763/1000型可伸缩带式输送机的牵引功率,改单机驱动为双机驱动,增大了运输距离,提高了设备的利用率。

    Using theory of conveyor , it can verify the haulage power of the DSP & 763 / 1000 type extensible conveyor , by double replacing one drive , the conveying distance and utilization ratio of conveyor can be increased .

  10. 详细地介绍了在高速运行条件下牵引功率、制动距离、环境噪声、轮轨动作用力和轮轨粘着对动力车的影响,并提出相应的对策。

    In this paper , the influence of the traction power , brake distance , environmental noise and wheel - track dynamic force and wheel - track adhesion to power car are discussed under the high - speed running condition . And the corresponding countermeasure against it also is produced .

  11. 地铁车辆计算粘着系数和牵引电动机功率选用问题简析

    Brief Analysis for the Traction Electromotor Power and Subway Car Calculation Adhesion Coefficient

  12. 铝包钢线生产线牵引绞盘功率计算

    Calculation on the power of drawn wheel in Al - cladding wire production line

  13. 同时,能源和环境问题是全球化重要课题,而列车牵引电机功率非常大,所以效率优化对于列车牵引电机控制具有重要意义。

    Furthermore , energy and environment problem are global important issues , thus efficiency optimization is very meaningful for so large power AC traction motor .

  14. 在样机上进行包覆试验,牵引绞盘功率实测值高于计算值10%,证明该计算方法正确。

    When the production line is in operating , test value of power of drawn wheel is 10 % more than that of calculation . It is proved the above calculation method is correct .

  15. 整流型牵引负荷功率因数低,谐波含量丰富,其单相独立性又通过牵引变电所在系统中造成负序电流,形成了交流牵引供电系统的三大技术课题。

    The three main technic subjects of AC traction supply system origin the characters of rectification traction load : low power factor , abundant harmonics and negative sequence current for its single phase independence .

  16. 探讨了用连续挤压包覆法生产铝包钢线过程中芯线张力与速度的计算方法,推导出生产线中牵引绞盘功率的计算公式。

    Abstract Research the calculation method on wire tensile and its velocity in producing Al-cladding wire by means of continuous extrusion cladding , and deduce the formulate of calculating the power of drawn wheel in Al-cladding wire production line .

  17. 近年来,由于电力机车牵引以功率大、过载能力强、运营费用低、便于实现自动化、不污染环境等优点而备受青睐,从而被越来越广泛地运用到现代铁路运输中。

    In recent years , electric locomotives are more and more employed in modern railway , for electric locomotives have such merits as having large tractive power , large overload capacity , low running cost & operating cost , putting into effect automation easily and producing no environmental pollution damage .

  18. 运用系统的动能定理处理传送带的牵引力和功率问题。

    A note on the applications of the theorem of kinetic energy ;

  19. 异步牵引电动机容积功率、折算转矩和通用性问题的分析

    Analysis on capacity , Torque conversion and General use of Asynchronous Traction Motor

  20. 调研了重载机车牵引传动系统功率等级发展变化趋势和功率器件使用情况。

    Research the development of power grade and power devices used in locomotive .

  21. 在电力牵引时其功率因数接近于1,并可将谐波干扰降低到最低限度;

    It has a power factor of near 1 , and decreases the harmonics interference to the lowest level .

  22. 提出了在上山坡道上的转向阻力矩、牵引力和功率的计算公式,并以水平地面的实测功率进行了验证。

    The formulae for calculating the uphill steering torque resistance , haulage force and power are presented and the results are checked by the measured power on horizontal surface .

  23. 面对牵引变流器大功率低开关频率的特点,为了在充分利用开关频率的同时降低输出谐波对系统性能的影响,同步调制策略将是牵引变流器在一定调制频率下的必然选择。

    In order to realize the full utilization of power converter switching frequency and reduce the influence of harmonics on the system performance , the synchronous modulation seems to be an inevitable choice with the rise of the modulating frequency .

  24. 在分析计算单向犁板式浮雪铲的除雪阻力、切线牵引力及功率消耗的基础上,建立了牵引力、侧向稳定性、功率特性分析的数学模型。

    A mathematical model for the traction , the lateral stability and the power characteristic was built based on the analysis and calculation of the snow-shoving resistance , the tangential traction and the power consumption of a one-way plough type snow-shovel .

  25. 本文采用数字信号处理器(DSP)对城轨牵引用的大功率稀土永磁无刷直流电机进行全数字控制方式的研究。

    Brushless direct current motor drive system based on DSP in the draw motor of track vehicles is researched by digital control manner in the paper .

  26. MLS3&170型采煤机牵引部液压恒功率自动调速系统静特性分析

    An Analysis Of The Auto-adjustment System With Constant Hydraulic Power For The Haulage Part Of MLS_3-170 Shearer

  27. 基于负载牵引测试系统的功率管参数提取

    Parameters Extraction of Power Transistor Based on Load-Pull Measurement System

  28. 用调压法提高牵引变电所功率因数的探讨

    Discussion of Improvement of Power Factor of Traction Substation by Means of Voltage Regulation

  29. 电力机车与牵引变电所功率补偿装置合理配置的探讨

    Study of the reasonable arrangement of power factor compensation with electric locomotive & traction substation

  30. 电气化铁道电力机车牵引负荷为大功率单相整流负荷,具有非线性、不对称和波动性等特点。

    Traction load in electric railway is a kind of large-power , single-phrase and nonlinear load .