
qiān guà
  • care;worry;be concerned;solicitude;bugbear
牵挂 [qiān guà]
  • [worry] 因放心不下而想念;挂念

  • 好好工作,不要牵挂家中老人

牵挂[qiān guà]
  1. 好好休息,别牵挂工作。

    Have a good rest and don 't worry about your work .

  2. 你要是回家晚了,你妈会牵挂你的。

    If you 're late , your mother will worry for you .

  3. 当时我仍然毫无牵挂,逍遥自在呢。

    I was still footloose and fancy-free in those days .

  4. 他对我妹妹满心牵挂。

    He is full of tender solicitude towards my sister .

  5. 这里一切都好,不用牵挂。

    Everything is fine with me ; there is no need for you to be concerned .

  6. 我家里都安顿好了,没有什么牵挂了。

    I 've got everything settled at home ; I 'm free of worries now .

  7. 2亿多学生,每一个孩子的安全都让人十分牵挂。

    We have more than 200 million students across the country and we care about every one of them .

  8. 他们还不知道这份命运,但就在某处,有一个人他们终将深深牵挂。

    Neither one knows it yet , but somewhere out there is a person they are bound to care deeply about .

  9. 亲爱的同学,请不要吝啬ni的牵挂。

    My dear students , please have some obsession with your classmates .

  10. 就在几个月前,爱德华•斯诺登(EdwardSnowden)才揭露过西方安全部门对全球的大规模监控,而眼下,间谍卫星的庞大网络却无法定位一架飞机。这让那些牵挂失联马航客机命运的人感到震惊。

    After months of revelations by Edward Snowden about the extent of global surveillance by western security services , it has come as a shock to those pondering the fate of the missing Malaysian airliner that the extensive network of spy satellites in orbit have failed to locate the jet .

  11. 他让你牵挂的开学第一天。

    That tug your heartstrings on his first day at school .

  12. 那天我没多说什么,心里却多了一份牵挂。

    I didn 't say anything , but a more caring .

  13. 母亲牵挂儿子幸福的忧虑。

    A mother 's apprehension for her son 's welfare .

  14. 告诉我你也许需要另一个女儿牵挂。

    Told me that you might need another daughter to worry about .

  15. 我开始想过的快乐,睡在床上,有牵挂。

    I wanna be happy , sleep in bed , have rats .

  16. 自从有了你,我的心中有太多的牵挂;

    Since had you , in my heart has too many worrying ;

  17. 是否能助我承担牵挂感受?

    Whether can help do I undertake to concern about the feeling ?

  18. 对家庭的牵挂令他无心上学。

    Concern for his family deflected him from his studies .

  19. 飘飞的雪花,却满载牵挂向你走来。

    Piaofei snow , but full of worried about coming to you .

  20. 你心中牵挂着它们,它们就存在。

    You keep them in your heart , they exist .

  21. 我唯一的牵挂,我最珍惜。

    Thou best of dearest , and mine only care .

  22. 这只不过是牵挂和累赘。

    It 's nothing but a curse and a care .

  23. 新年近,旧年终,牵挂祝福君保重!

    Year old end , close , miss blessing you take care !

  24. 当我想离开的时候却又有许多牵挂

    When wants to leave when it has too much about

  25. 他说出他心里最牵挂的事。

    He says whatever is uppermost in his mind .

  26. 那个让你牵挂的人。

    Guy has a way of sucking you in .

  27. 我的思绪依然牵挂着前尘旧梦。

    My thoughts still cling to the moldering Past .

  28. 迈克尔长期牵挂的伴侣已经死了永远都不会回来了。

    Michael 's long-suffering soul mate is dead and she ain 't comin'back .

  29. 那个让你死后还一直牵挂的人。

    Someone you care about that will be around after that person dies .

  30. 我一直牵挂着你,约瑟芬

    Oh , I 've missed you , Josephine .