
  • 网络Intensive Care;special care;Treatment
  1. 她需要几天的特别护理。

    She needed intensive care for several days .

  2. 纽约长老会医院威尔康奈尔医学中心(NewYork-PresbyterianHospitalWeillCornellMedicalCenter)负责新生儿特别护理的医务主任杰弗里·M·佩尔曼(JeffreyM.Perlman)则有不同看法。

    Dr. Jeffrey M. Perlman , medical director of neonatal intensive care at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital Weill Cornell Medical Center , takes a different view .

  3. 他住在高地医院的重病特别护理区,医院发言人Curt称他情况还可以。

    He was in fair condition Thursday in the intensive care unit at Highland Hospital , hospital spokesman Curt Olsen said .

  4. 很抱歉我的惊慌失措,可你们的宝宝需要特别护理。

    Sorry for freaking out , but your baby has special needs .

  5. 医院对危重病人作特别护理

    Intensive care in hospital is given to the seriously ills

  6. 弗莱蒂因为脑出血在受重病特别护理。

    Freddie 's in intensive care with a bit of a brain haemorrhage .

  7. 他有将近两个星期接受重病特别护理。

    He spent nearly two weeks in intensive care .

  8. 剪毛过后,安哥拉山羊需要大约一个月的特别护理来防御寒冬。

    Angoras may need special the cold for about a month after shearing .

  9. 事故受害者在特别护理中[已送进特别护理病房]。

    The accident victims are in / have been taken into intensive care .

  10. 就是因为这些特殊的需要,许多早产儿需要特别护理。

    Because of their special needs , many premature babies requires intensive care .

  11. 自从上周六晚上的事故后,他一直呆在特别护理病房。

    He has been in intensive care since the accident last Saturday night .

  12. 那质问是强烈的;重病特别护理;深入调查;劳动密集型工业。

    The questioning was intensive ; intensive care ; research-intensive ; a labor-intensive industry .

  13. 我不行了,我需要特别护理。

    I can 't make it , friend , I need a special doctor .

  14. 西三区,28床,这是重病特别护理病房。

    Three west , 28-b.that 's intensive care .

  15. 这之后才两星期,她却因突如其来的中风而接受特别护理。

    Two weeks later , she was in intensive care following a sudden stroke .

  16. 她需要为期3周的特别护理。

    She needed intensive care for three weeks .

  17. 他仍然处在特别护理之中。

    He 's still in intensive care .

  18. 医生给她戴上人工呼吸器,将她推到楼下的特别护理室去。

    Doctors put her on a respirator and wheeled her downstairs to the intensive care unit .

  19. 对早产婴儿的特别护理

    The special care of premature babies

  20. 并安排每天有两名业务精技术好的护士完成特别护理。

    And arrange for two day intensive technology , a good business to complete special care nurses .

  21. 查理在世时吃的是蛋白质奶昔和维他命的特殊饮食,而且得到特别护理。

    Charlie was on a special diet of protein shakes and vitamins , and was receiving special care .

  22. 方法:应用心理护理、并发症的防护、特别护理、饮食护理和出院康复指导等护理措施进行护理。

    Methods Use the psychology , prevention of the complication , special nursing , diet nursing and recovery guide .

  23. 他的病情已十分危急。医院对危重病人作特别护理

    He has reached a crisis in his illness . Intensive care in hospital is given to the seriously ills

  24. 该党发言人拒绝透露她的病情,除了告知她在手术后接受重病特别护理。

    Party spokesmen refuse to describe her illness , apart from saying that she left intensive care after an operation .

  25. 前第一夫人芭拉拉.布什今天将被移出特别护理病房,所以下面是好消息。

    And former First Lady Barbara Bush will be moved out of intensive care today , so good news there .

  26. 所以,老年人尤其需要采取特别护理以避免被蚊子咬伤。

    So , in particular , older people need to take extra special care and avoiding getting bitten by mosquitoes .

  27. 肥胖孕妇剖腹产的几率比正常孕妇要高1.5倍,而宝宝出生后需要特别护理的几率也是正常值的1.5倍。

    Obese pregnant women are1.5 times more likely to have a caesarean birth and their babies need intensive care treatment after birth .

  28. 同时,有20人仍在仰光总院接受重病特别护理,86名男性及29名女性仍伤情危重。

    Meanwhile , 20 people remain in intensive care at Rangoon General Hospital , and86 men and29 women are listed in serious condition .

  29. 对于大多数家长和医生来说,新研究将使他们面临的究竟要在多大程度上特别护理这些婴儿的选择变得更加艰难。

    For most parents and doctors , the new study will intensify the agonizing choices faced about how intensively to treat such infants .

  30. 星期五她看上去很健康,但周末她旧病复发,被送回去进行特别护理。

    She was looking quite healthy on friday , but she suffered a relapse over the weekend and was taken back into intensive care .