
  1. 特别收集了目前国内转基因作物科研工作者的最新研究进展。

    In special , it collected the latest progress of transgenic crops studying of our country .

  2. 为了让你轻松踏上返乡路,《二十一世纪英文报》特别收集了一些订票技巧和建议。

    In order to make the journey easier , 21st Century has compiled the following tips and advice on how to book tickets .

  3. 高温工业炉工业硅和硅铁冶炼过程中,与逃跑的灰尘及黑烟排放量的陷阱,特别收集装置,以处理由。

    High temperature industrial furnace industrial silicon and ferrosilicon smelting process , with the escape of dust and smoke emissions of the trap with a special collection device to deal with from .

  4. 特别要求收集个人信息的世界卫生组织网站会发表专用于该网站的隐私政策。

    WHO sites with specific requirements to collect personal information may publish a privacy policy specific for that site .

  5. 类似地,呼吁人们把有害垃圾集中在特别的收集点的公共行动反而使人们把更多有害垃圾扔到普通垃圾箱里。

    Similarly , a public campaign to get people to take hazardous waste to special collection points makes them put more of it in the bin .

  6. 作者想要感谢Lotus支持小组,特别是AmyKnox收集了客户在使用离开办公室代理时所遇到的问题和经验。

    The author would like to thank the Lotus support team , and especially Amy Knox , for compiling issues and experiences our customers have encountered with the Out of Office agent .

  7. 目前许多有关网格的理论还不是很成熟,特别是网格资源收集和调度的理论和技术。

    At present many theories and technologies about Grid are not very mature , especially about the theories and technologies of Grid Resource Scheduling .

  8. 在展会上,将特别展示胡安·安东尼奥·萨马兰奇个人收集的邮票,他是前国际奥委会主席,也是博览会的创办人。

    At the fair , a special exhibition will showcase the personal stamp collection of Juan Antonio Samaranch , former International Olympic Committee president and founder of the fair .

  9. 继续医学教育的特点决定了在管理和教学中要特别重视知识的收集、整理、传播和创新。

    The Continued medical education , CME , s characteristic decides that they must take the knowledge collection , reorganization , dissemination and the innovation in managing and teaching .

  10. 然而在这次项目结束后,各位成员已经基本了解六西格玛的知识,特别是数据的收集及整理的方法。并将之带回至本职工作中。

    But in the end , each project members have a basic understanding of six sigma knowledge , especially the collection of data and methods of consolidation , and to the job .

  11. 无人自主飞艇具有很高的自主性和巨大的市场潜力,而且特别适合作为信息收集的平台用以研究、环境监测、通信中继和导航等等,在很多领域都有着广泛的应用。

    Autonomous unmanned airship has complete autonomy and huge market potential , especially as a platform for information gathering in studying 、 environmental monitoring 、 trunk communication and navigation and so on , which has had wide application in many fields .