
  • 网络Trail;Terrell;Terrel
  1. 特雷尔说她的男友克里斯托弗?鲁特瑞尔才是凶手。

    Renee Terrell says her boyfriend Christopher Luttrell is the killer .

  2. 特雷尔叔叔要你们到楼下车库去。

    Uncle Terrell wants you two down in the garage .

  3. TCN的共同创始人兼首席执行官特雷尔o伯德表示,这项技术适用于任何客服机构。他说,我们只需要花几个小时就能安装这个功能。

    We can roll this out in a matter of hours , said TCN co-founder CEO Terrel Bird , who positions the technology as useful for any call center organization .

  4. 很高兴见到海托特雷尔中学的学生们。

    Good to see the students of Hightower Trail Middle School .

  5. 特雷尔看后印象深刻,把自己的名片给了乔布斯和沃兹。

    Terrell was impressed enough to hand Jobs and Woz his card .

  6. 特雷尔-巴斯,很特别的名字。

    Tyrrel bass . that 's a very unique name .

  7. 或者我该问特雷尔怕什么?

    Or should I ask what 's Terrell afraid of ?

  8. 特雷尔:我想你今晚应该不会出去吧。

    Terrell : I guess you 're not up for going out tonight .

  9. 特雷尔:我能理解,那会让人觉得既神秘又沮丧。

    Terrell : I can see how that would be mystifying and frustrating .

  10. 特雷尔有点儿吃惊。

    Terrell was a bit taken aback .

  11. 特雷尔:你去哪里了?

    Terrell : Where have you been ?

  12. 在特雷尔和其他商店支付的500美元批发价的基础上又上涨了33%,

    and a 33 % markup over the $ 500 wholesale price that Terrell and other stores paid .

  13. 阿什和特雷尔说,公司做到了这一点,而且仅用了30天来进行准备。

    Ashe and Terrell said the company was able to pull it off with only 30 days of preparation .

  14. 特雷尔确认了订单的真实性,克拉默商店同意将零件预支给他们,账期30天。

    Terrell confirmed that it was , and the store agreed to front Jobs the parts on thirty-day credit .

  15. 罗斯小学校长大卫。特雷尔说,麦克格雷迪的资助对孩子们来说就意味着一切。

    David Terrell , principal at Ross Elementary School , said McGrady 's assistance has meant the world to his students .

  16. 特雷尔:她还是没能找准你病痛的原因,进而作出诊断吗?

    Terrell : She still hasn 't been able to zero in on the cause of your pain and make a diagnosis ?

  17. 当时特雷尔正在开会,他听到喇叭里在叫他,说有紧急来电(乔布斯不停地打电话)。

    Terrell was at a conference when he heard over a loudspeaker that he had an emergency call ( Jobs had been persistent ) .

  18. 特雷尔同意订购50台电脑。但是有一个条件。特雷尔并不想要只值50美元的印刷电路板,

    Terrell agreed to order fifty computers . But there was a condition : He didn 't want just $ 50 printed circuit boards ,

  19. 只要问问费城鹰队的边接球员特雷尔•欧文斯就知道了。在反复抨击和公开对其队友和管理层发表攻击性言辞后,他在2005赛季被停赛。

    Just ask Philadelphia Eagles Wide Receiver Terrell Owens , who was suspended for the2005 season after repeatedly clashing and taking public shots at his teammates and management .