
tè yì
  • Specific;distinctive;peculiar;excellent;exceptionally good;superfine
特异 [tè yì]
  • (1) [exceptionally good;excellent;superfine]∶明显好于一般的

  • (2) [peculiar;distinctive]∶特殊;不同一般

  • 特异抗体

  • 特异系统

  • 特异选择

特异[tè yì]
  1. 方法利用特异性PCR技术对牛膝的rDNAITS区碱基序列进行测定,报道了牛膝的rDNAITS区的碱基序列。

    Bidentata . Methods To determine rDNA ITS base sequence by peculiar PCR technology .

  2. MCV、RDW诊断缺铁性贫血敏感性为95.3%、特异性为96.8%;

    MCV , RDW diagnose the hypoferric anemia sensitiveness is 95 . 3 % , peculiar is 96 . 8 % ;

  3. 我怎么会知道呢,我又没有特异功能!

    How am I supposed to know ─ I 'm not psychic !

  4. 这种基因由一种特异性蛋白激活。

    The gene is activated by a specific protein .

  5. 最特异的显色方法是对丙烯酰胺凝胶中特殊的酶进行定位。

    The most specific visualization method is the localization of particular enzymes within an acrylamide gel .

  6. 他是个特异独行的人。对事情有自己的看法。

    He 's a maverick.He has his own way of thinking about things .

  7. 南国之秋,当然是也有它的特异的地方的,比如廿四桥的明月,钱塘江的秋潮,普陀山的凉雾,荔枝湾的残荷等等,可是色彩不浓,回味不永。

    Autumn in the South also has its unique features , such as the moonlit Ershisi Bridge in Yangzhou , the flowing sea tide at the Qiantangjiang River , the mist-shrouded Putuo Mountain and lotuses at the Lizhiwan Bay . But they all lack strong colour and lingering flavour .

  8. 间日疟原虫特异性DNA克隆片段的序列测定和分析

    Sequencing and analysis of cloned DNA fragment specific for Plasmodium vivax

  9. 抗γc单克隆抗体联合供者特异性输注延长移植物存活

    Anti - γ c antibodies combined with donor - specific transfusion prolongs grafts survival

  10. 甘蔗祖亲种特异DNA探针构建及应用研究进展

    Advance in Construction and Application of Specific DNA Probes from Sugarcane Parental Species

  11. 应用O-抗原基因簇特异PCR对假结核耶尔森菌分型

    Serotyping of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis by PCR based on O-antigen gene clusters

  12. 并指出选择性肾上腺动脉造影对诊断肾上腺嗜铬细胞瘤较B超、CT,有较高的特异性。

    Selective adrenal arteriography was more sensitive than ultrasound , CT , etc in diagnosing adrenal pheochromocytoma .

  13. 用复合PCR方法检测6种转基因玉米中外源DNA的特异性

    Specific Detection of Alien DNA Sequences in Six Transgenic Maize by Using Multiplex PCR Method

  14. 鸡白痢沙门菌等位基因特异性PCR检测方法的建立

    Development of allele-specific PCR assay for detecting Salmonella pullorum

  15. 间接ELISA法检测柯萨奇B组病毒感染的特异性IgM抗体诊断试剂盒的研制

    The indirect ELISA diagnostic kit for detecting Coxsackie B virus specific IgM

  16. 抗体捕获ELISA法检测特异性抗HBcIgA的实验研究

    Experimental Study on the Detection of Circulatory Anti-HBc IgA Class by Antibody Capture ELISA-Sandwich-Type

  17. 驱动参量下Chen系统的特异同步研究

    A Study on Specific Synchronization of Chaotic System Chen Based on Driving Parameters

  18. 目的筛选出肾母细胞瘤患儿特异性血清蛋白质标记物,建立肾母细胞瘤临床分期模型与CT分期进行对照分析,并评价其临床应用价值。

    Objective To investigate the different values of specific serum protein biomarkers and CT scan in the tumor stage in nephroblastoma .

  19. 半定量RT-PCR检测少量兔血管内皮细胞中特异mRNA的表达

    Semi-Quantitative RT-PCR Analysis for Specific mRNA Expression from Minute Quantity of Rabbit Vascular Endothelial Cells

  20. PCR产物经DNA序列测定证实为特异性扩增,敏感度为102CFU/ml。

    PCR products were confirmed to be special amplification by DNA sequence . The sensitivity was 10 2 CFU / ml.

  21. 目的制备树突状细胞(Dendriticcells,DC)与胶质瘤融合细胞,探讨其特异性抗肿瘤活性。

    Objective To prepare the fusion cells of dendritic cells and glioma cell line and evaluate their activity of antitumor .

  22. 目的通过随访分析,比较肩关节造影和MRI诊断肩袖部分和完全撕裂的敏感性和特异性。

    Objective To prospectively compare arthrography with MRI to determine the sensitivity and specificity in detecting rotator cuff tear .

  23. 抗原的选择对于诱导HIV疫苗特异性的免疫应答反应至关重要。

    Selection of antigens is very important for inducing a broad range of immune responses against the viruses .

  24. 方法根据HCVH病毒株序列设计、合成序列特异性的引物。

    Methods Sequence specific primers were designed and synthesized according to the HCV H strain of virus sequence .

  25. 石斛属RAPD分析及鉴定铁皮石斛的特异性引物设计

    Cluster Analysis of Dendrobium by RAPD and Design of Specific Primer for Dendrobium candidum

  26. NK细胞表面表达非抗原特异性的受体。

    NK cell has antigen-non-specific receptors on its surface .

  27. MRI、CT及X线特异性高于ECT。

    However , the specificity of MRI , CT and X ray were significantly higher than that of ECT .

  28. 特异核酸捕获-PCR技术在从高背景标本中检测TT病毒DNA的应用

    Detection of TTV DNA from high background nuclear acid samples using specific nuclear acid captured polymerase chain reaction

  29. 目的研究肝细胞癌(HCC)p53基因突变热点的特异性及其分子流行病学意义。

    The specific characteristic mutational hotspot of p53 gene and its molecular epidemiologic significance were studied .

  30. HIF一1由Q亚单位和p亚单位构成,其中a亚单位被认为是特异性氧调节亚单位,决定了HIF一1的活性。

    HIF-1 is composed of a and P subunits .