
  • 网络specific ligand
  1. 研究认为,尼古丁作为烟草的主要化学物质之一,是非神经乙酰胆碱能系统中烟碱型乙酰胆碱受体的特异性配体。

    It is said that nicotine is not only a main chemical substances of tobacco but also the specific ligand of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor which is included in non-neural cholinergic system .

  2. 采用特异性配体(包括抗体、受体蛋白等)与白蛋白或脂质体连接形成靶向超声造影剂可能是一种很有前途的导向诊断和治疗方法。

    Depending on specific ligand including antibody or receptor protein conjugation with albumen or liposome , a thrombus-specific ultrasound contrast agent ( UCA ) could potentially improve the contrast imaging of thrombosis and enhance the effect of thrombolysis .

  3. CD23特异性配体对B细胞增殖及分化的影响

    Studies of CD23 ligands in B cell proliferation

  4. 结果表明,交替洗脱法筛选出的特异性配体的回收率和ELISA信号值均优于酸洗脱法;

    Compared with the acid screening method , the modified strategy yielded higher peptide recovery and the selected phage clones showed higher signals of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ( ELISA ) .

  5. 目的:以m5AChR-G11融合蛋白为工具,筛选m5受体亚型特异性配体,并且探讨m5AChR-G11融合蛋白中两组分相互作用的机制。

    Objective : To prepare m_5AChR-G_ ( 11 ) fusion protein as a tool to screen muscarinic ligands specific for m_5AChR , and to explore the mechanism of the effects between 2 partners in m_5AChR-G_ ( 11 ) fusion protein .

  6. 用于肿瘤基因治疗载体的肿瘤特异性配体研究进展

    Tumor-targeting ligands used in gene therapy vector : research progress

  7. 预示β1整合素与特异性配体的结合使其表达分布发生重组,形成粘着斑。

    The combination β 1 integrin and ligand made integrin reorganization , and formed adhesion plaque .

  8. D-7噬菌体展示肽库试剂盒对肌红蛋白特异性亲和配体进行了筛选,最终得到其特异性亲和配体序列,从而使其试剂盒的研制与应用成为可能。

    The specific sequence of affinity ligand was obtained with the Ph. D-7 phage display peptide library kit . The results make it possible for clinical development and application of the kit .

  9. 心肌型脂肪酸结合蛋白特异性亲和配体的筛选

    The screening on affinity ligand of heart-type fatty acid-binding protein

  10. NMDA受体是兴奋性氨基酸谷氨酸(Glu)的特异性受体,属配体门控离子通道,是由不同的亚单位组成。

    The NMDA ( N methyl D aspartate ) receptor is a ligand gated subtype of ionotropic glutamate receptors , comprising different subunits .

  11. 核开关的发现,尤其是其可以特异性紧密结合特定配体,从而精确调控生物基本代谢途径的特征,使人们开始关注它在科研和医学上的应用潜力。

    The recent discovery of natural riboswitches , especially its property that precisely controlling basic metabolic pathways via binding to certain ligands with high affinity and specificity , inspires scientists to notice its potential application in medical research .