
tè jì jìnɡ tóu
  • trick shot;trick scene;cheat shot
  1. 史蒂文斯皮尔伯格的很多电影中都有精彩的特技镜头。

    Many of Steven spielberg 's films have splendid special effects .

  2. 数字绘景在特技镜头中的创作应用研究

    Research on Application of " Matte Painting " in Special Lens Effects Shooting

  3. 电影中大量的特技镜头就是最好的例子。

    The large presence of stunt scenes in movies is a good example .

  4. 数字视频特技镜头转换检测算法的分析

    Analysis of Digital Video Effect Shot Transition Detection Algorithm

  5. 我们有三件一样的,因为我们会有一些特技镜头所以需要一些复制品。

    We had three of them because we obviously do stunts and need doubles .

  6. 《电影摄制组》时常能看到的电影摄制组,正在拍摄高难度的特技镜头。

    A film crew You can see film crew here that is filming high challenge stunt .

  7. 但也可能要他制作一个不太惊人的特技镜头。

    But he may also be asked to create a special effect which is much less exciting .

  8. 这是一部典型的动作片,充斥着惊人的特技镜头,故事情节却十分单薄。

    It 's a typical action film with plenty of spectacular stunts and a very thin story line .

  9. 比如说有很多大的特技镜头他们会把一个玩偶扔到瀑布里。

    For a lot of bigger stunts they 'd just throw a stuffed toy over a waterfall for example .