
  • 网络Tenoch
  1. 4.特诺奇提兰(Tenochtitlan)特诺奇提兰曾是阿兹台克帝国(AztecEmpire)的首都。

    Tenochtitlan was the capital city of the Aztec Empire .

  2. 公主是一个伟大的特诺奇居民。

    Princess was an inhabitant of the great Tenochtitlan .

  3. 特诺奇提兰与欧洲城市大不相同。

    This was a city very different from what the Europeans were used to .

  4. 无论如何,西班牙人攻占了特诺奇提兰并且将它夷为平地,只是为了在同一地点建立现在的墨西哥城而已。

    In any case , the capital city was conquered and razed to the ground by the Spanish , only for them to build present-day Mexico City on the same spot .