
  • 网络council;Boule;Areopagus
  1. 议事会对于一切重要问题作出最后决定;

    The ultimate decision in important matters rested with the council .

  2. 有讨论公共事务的部落议事会。

    A tribal council for the common affairs of the tribe .

  3. 如果议事会认为异议是正当的,选举就算无效。

    If it maintained the objection , the election was void .

  4. 部落议事会会接受和派遣使者,宣战及媾和。

    It received and sent embassies , declared war and made peace .

  5. 有效监督制度的稀缺与补救&对社区居民警务议事会制度的分析

    Shortage and remediation of efficient supervision system & analysis of community-protecting system among dwellers

  6. 随着国家的设立,这种议事会就变为元老院了。

    When the state was established , this Council was merged into the senate .

  7. 村社有其自己的行政堂区议事会。

    The community has its own parish council .

  8. 那就让贵族议事会公开宣誓。

    So let the council swear publicly .

  9. 狄奥尼修斯所描述的英雄时代的议事会正是这样由贵族组成的。

    Dionysius actually speaks of the Council in the heroic age as composed of nobles .

  10. 议事会规定由400人组成,每一部落为100人;

    The Council was raised to four hundred members , one hundred for each tribe ;

  11. 特别是,调整同其它部落的关系也包括在部落议事会的权限之内;

    The tribal council was responsible especially for the handling of relations with other tribes ;

  12. 盐商与自贡地方议事会

    Salt Bourgeoisie and Zigong Local Conference

  13. 任何方面如有不服,可向议事会请求调处;

    Any side refusing to accept such decision as final may ask the standing council to arbitrate .

  14. 联盟的机关是联盟议事会,由50个地位和权限平等的酋长组成;

    The organ of the confederacy was federal council of fifty sachems , all equal in rank and authority ;

  15. 此外,部落议事会也可以甚至违反氏族的意志而撤换酋长。

    The tribal council also had the power to depose sachems , even against the will of the gens .

  16. 这种议事会选举、撤换酋长和军事首领,以及其余的信仰守护人;

    This council elected sachems , war-chiefs and also the other " Keepers of the Faith ," and deposed them ;

  17. 联盟的这些酋长们,在他们各自的部落中也是酋长,享有参加部落议事会和表决的权利。

    These federal sachems were also sachems in their respective tribes , and had a seat and a vote in the tribal council .

  18. 宫门城由大师议事会管理我们会保护这座城,即便是你。

    Gongmen City ! Gongmen is under the stewardship of the Masters ' Council , and we will protect it . Even from you .

  19. 公共领域的衰落需要通过真正意义上的革命行动来拯救,议事会制度可以看作是共和政体的理想的统治形态。

    The decline of the public sphere needs actual revolution actions to rescue . Council system can be regarded as ideal polity of republic .

  20. 举行会议、选举、罢工(5)在选举酋长时,胞族议事会也出面参预。

    Call a meeting , an election , a strike The council of the phratry also played a part in the election of a sachem .

  21. 理事会必须对议事会负责并报告工作,同时接受监事会的监督和制约。

    The board of executors must be responsible and report on their work to the standing council and , at the same time , be supervised and checked by the board of supervisors .

  22. 联盟议事会的一切决议,须经全体一致通过。译:董事长可根据董事会三分之一董事的提议,召集临时董事会议。

    All decisions of the federal council had to be unanimous . The Chairman may convene an interim meeting in accordance with a proposal made by one-third of the total number of directors .

  23. 三是以青田模式为蓝本,坚持推进制度创新,重点发挥村民会议,村民代表议事会的作用,加快推进基层党组织自身的改革。

    Third is based on Qingtian model . It is to insist on promoting institutional innovation , exert villagers-meeting and village representatives ' role , speed up the reform of grass-roots party organizations .

  24. 议事会公开开会,四周围着其余的部落成员,这些成员有权加入讨论和发表自己的意见;

    It held its deliberations in public , surrounded by the other members of the tribe , who had the right to join freely in the discussion and to make their views heard .

  25. 氏族首长议事会即使没有老早消失,也已经不能召集了,它很快就被国王的固定亲信所代替;

    The Council of chiefs , even if it had not long since become obsolete , would have been unable to meet , and it was soon displaced by the permanent retinue of the king ;