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  • 网络WHO IS IT;Who am i;whoever
  1. 到底是谁想出的这个笑话?

    Whoever thought up that joke ?

  2. 到底是谁把我们关进那个仓库里

    For whoever had us down in that bunker .

  3. “你到底是谁?”他气势汹汹地查问道。

    ' Who the hell are you ? ' he demanded angrily .

  4. 到底是谁会从这些变革中直接获益?

    Who exactly stands to benefit from these changes ?

  5. 我在想她到底是谁。

    I wonder who she is .

  6. 电话里的声音有点儿熟悉,但是克鲁克一开始想不起来到底是谁。

    The voice on the line was vaguely familiar , but Crook couldn 't place it at first

  7. 老师再问一次:“你爸爸到底是谁?”那个小孩就说:“我本来认为我爸爸是史密斯先生,不过昨天我妈妈又说我是另外一个人的儿子,我一下子忘记他的名字了。”

    The teacher asked again , " Who is your father ? " The child confessed2 , " I used to think that Mr. Smith was my father . But yesterday my mother told me that I am the son of another person , and I cannot remember his name ! "

  8. 但是如果进行DNA测试的话,至少可以查出躺在拿破仑坟墓里的人到底是谁。

    But a DNA test could at least settle the question about who lies in the tomb .

  9. 穿着悍妇装,试着击退大规模不死军团的机器人大boss,这个人到底是谁?

    Who the hell tries to fight off a massive legion of indestructible robot overlords in a dominatrix outfit ?

  10. 我们可以轻易在谷歌(Google)或Facebook上组建一个团体,但我们不确定团队成员到底是谁。

    We can easily form a group on Google or Facebook , but we cannot know for sure who its members are .

  11. cathy,那男的到底是谁?你让这儿整个都闹起来了。

    Cathy , who on earth is that man ? You have this whole place in a clamor .

  12. 这部电视剧引领了大众文化,1980年时每个人都在问到底是谁枪杀了jr。

    The show was a pop culture phenomenon and in 1980 had everyone asking who shot Jr.

  13. 万能的叙述者就这样,富有说服力的出现了,同时在我们分析Haze的时候,给我们带来了问题,让我们去想这个角色到底是谁,他在哪里发现自己。

    Now this is where the omniscient narrator comes in quite forcefully , and gives us something to work on as we analyze Haze and we think about who he is as a character and where he finds himself .

  14. 这是单行道,到底是谁不对?

    But who 's going the wrong way down a one-way ?

  15. 可爱的金鱼不见了,凶手到底是谁呢?

    Lovable goldfish disappeared , the murderer who in the end ?

  16. 哈利波特:对不起,可是你到底是谁呀?

    Harry potter : excuse me , but who are you ?

  17. 如果你们不是贼,那你们到底是谁?

    If you 're not thieves , then what are you ?

  18. 看透他到底是谁,葫芦里卖的什么药。

    See what 's inside him , what makes him tick .

  19. 杰夫:桑德拉到底是谁啊?

    Jeff : Who 's Sandra when she 's at home ?

  20. 我又是谁?我到底是谁?

    And who am I ? Who the hell am I ?

  21. 告诉我你们到底是谁?

    You must tell me , who the hack are you ?

  22. 看这宗真交易的买家到底是谁。

    Find out who 's really planning to buy this stuff .

  23. 他来了这家伙到底是谁

    There he is . Who the hell is this guy ?

  24. 我爸爸的沙发上到底是谁的耳环

    Whose earring did Ali find in my dad 's couch ?

  25. 别忘了你的敌人到底是谁

    Hey , don 't you forget who the enemy is .

  26. 她到底是谁,你的新女友吗?

    What is she , your new girlfriend or something ? -

  27. 首先就是她坟墓里的女孩到底是谁

    starting with who 's the dead girl in her grave .

  28. 除非你先谈论自己,告诉我你到底是谁。

    Unless , you wanna talk about you * who you are .

  29. 吉祥,你能否自我介绍一下,你到底是谁啊?

    Wang Ji-xiang , can you introduce yourself , who are you ?

  30. 到底是谁告诉他所发生的事?

    Who was it that told him what had happened ?