
dào cǐ yì yóu
  • have traveled thus far;have visited this place
到此一游[dào cǐ yì yóu]
  1. 恋人们到此一游,也可以轻易触摸到彼此的灵魂深处。

    ALso , lovers can easily touch each other 's soul during their tour .

  2. 在一座石雕上,他刻上他的名字和“到此一游”的字样。

    And in a stone sculpture he carved his name and the words " was here . "

  3. 这里有一种社群很紧密的感觉……绝对值得到此一游。

    It 's a very nice close-knit community feeling over here , and definitely worth a visit .

  4. 去年,在香港出生的65625名婴儿中,有40%只是“到此一游”。

    Last year , 40 per cent of the 65626 babies born in Hong Kong were just visiting .

  5. 毛里求斯旅游业部门希望这部影片在可预见的未来吸引10万中国人到此一游。

    Mauritian tourist authorities hope the movie can spur 100000 Chinese visitors ' in the foreseeable future . '

  6. 这座地标性拱门刻画了两只相交的宝剑,象征着巴格达游客可到此一游。

    Landmark : The iconic Arc of Triumph depicting crossed swords is one venue that potential tourists in Baghdad could visit .

  7. 随着近几年敦煌与邻省航线的开通,使得甘肃旅游过夜游客人数减少,愈加呈现出一种蜻蜓点水般到此一游、不过夜、不住宿的现状。

    With the open of routes between Dunhuang and neighbor provinces in recent years , the number of the overnight visitors in Gansu Province is reducing .

  8. 在拜读了景点“死亡城”创始人所写的书后,我由衷地憧憬着能到此一游。

    After having read the book written by the founder of the City Of The Dead tour I was really looking forward to going on it .

  9. 在街上拍了两张照片,算是到此一游吧,实在没有再介绍的愿望了。

    Shot in the street two photographs , which could be considered a visit to this bar , it is no longer a desire to introduce .

  10. 每到一处景区,你是否会为了留念写下“某某到此一游”?

    Would you write the words like " someone have visited here " when you come to the travel resorts in order to keep as a souvenir ?

  11. 无论你是打算住着奢侈的总统套房还是就买一个小茶壶作为“到此一游”的纪念品,这南国的都城应有尽有。

    Whether you 're looking for luxurious city living or just a " bowl of brown " at the local pot shops , this Southern capital has it all .

  12. 政府工作人员表示,越来越多的游客在珠峰大本营中国一侧的纪念碑和其他标志建筑上,留下用各种语言书写的“到此一游”之类的文字。

    Tourists were increasingly leaving comments like " I was here " in several languages on monuments and signs at Base Camp on the Chinese side of the mountain , they said .

  13. 到此一游式的简单观光、游览旅游形式已经不是旅游者所需要的主要旅游产品,能给予旅游者的体验和参与需求的旅游产品与形式日益为越来越多的旅游者所青睐。

    Pure sightseeing is not the major tourism product for the tourists any more . Some forms of tourism which can give tourists abundant experiences and participation are required by a lot of tourists .

  14. 汪洋指责游客乱写乱画应是源于中国景区发生的一件事:近日,有游客在北京故宫一口清代大缸上刻了“梁齐齐到此一游”的字样,这一文物破坏行为引起了社会极大反响。

    Wang 's complaint about graffiti may have been inspired by a domestic incident : there was anger recently when a vandal carved " Liang Qiqi was here " into a relic at Beijing 's Forbidden City .

  15. 据说史蒂芬斯皮尔伯格到此小村的一游,给予他大量的灵感来拍摄电影《第三类亲密接触》,虽然他在电影中所用的地点是怀俄明州的魔塔。

    A visit to Bugarach is said to have inspired Steven Spielberg in his film , Close Encounters of the Third Kind - although the actual mountain he used is Devil 's Tower in Wyoming .