
tè shū lěi fàn
  • special recidivist
  1. 第三部分从刑度条件和罪过条件等方面对单位累犯制度进行分析,对特殊累犯犯罪类型上进行分析。

    The third part from the degree of conditions and fault conditions of unit recidivism system , carries on the analysis to the special recidivist crime types .

  2. 另一方面从增加法定刑种类和完善刑罚的多样化,及建立特殊累犯制度、特殊缓刑制度的角度对刑罚进行完善。

    On the other hand , is to complete the criminal penalty from the section of improving legal punishment and diversify the criminal penalty , and to set up the system of special recidivist , the system of special reprieving .

  3. 二是特殊累犯与量刑。

    The second is " special repeat offenders " and the sentencing .

  4. 累犯制度由两部分构成:一是累犯构成条件,二是累犯处遇原则。本部分从微观入手,具体分析了普通累犯和特殊累犯的构成条件。

    Part two , entitled by Research on the Constitution of Recidivism Provisions .

  5. 由于《刑法修正案(八)》对累犯的较大幅度的修改,一般累犯和特殊累犯的概念应该予以重新定义。

    Due to the significant modification on recidivism , the concepts of general recidivism and special recidivism should be redefined .

  6. 但随着社会的发展,其不足之处也渐趋明显,主要表现为法律规定的严重滞后、无法充分实现特殊累犯制度设置的目的等方面。

    However , with the development of society , its shortcomings are also becoming increasingly obvious , which mainly shows the serious lag of legal articles and the failure to achieve the purpose why the system of special recidivism is set up .

  7. 累犯制度是刑罚制度的重要部分,单位累犯作为特殊主体的累犯形式,对它的研究的不足是刑法理论上的一大缺憾。

    As an important part of punishment system , unit recidivist is a type of recidivist by a special object ; hence the insufficient study on it is a theoretical vice of criminal law .

  8. 另一方面也是因为,对于单位这一新的特殊主体的累犯问题的研究往往受到自然人累犯制度的影响,难以跳出自然人累犯制度的模式。

    On the other side , as a new special object , study on recidivist in unit crime is more or less influenced by personal recidivist system and can not get rid of its mode .