
  • 网络special transport;specialized transport;Specialized transport Specialized transport
  1. 同时,PIP可抵抗核酸酶的降解,不需要特殊的转运系统。

    PIP are chemical compounds that are completely resistant to nucleases and do not require particular delivery systems .

  2. 研究表明PIP能在双螺旋DNA小沟处与特异性核酸序列紧密结合,影响基因表达;同时,PIP可抵抗核酸酶的降解,不需要特殊的转运系统。

    Synthetic polyamides can bind to specific nucleotide sequences in the minor groove of double-helical DNA with high affinity and specificity and influence gene expression . PIP are chemical compounds that are completely resistant to nucleases and do not require particular delivery systems .

  3. 然而,它们在体内易被核酸酶降解,且需要特殊的转运系统。

    However , these compounds are degraded easily by nucleases and require drug-delivery systems for sufficient distribution into organs .

  4. 生理情况下,水通过细胞膜包括磷脂双层的简单扩散和通过特殊跨膜转运蛋白的快速转运两个过程。

    In the physical condition , the water pass the member through the simple diffusion and rapid transport .

  5. 液泡H~+-ATPase是一类特殊的膜结合转运蛋白,广泛分布于植物的液泡膜等内膜系统上。

    Vacuole H + - ATPase is a special membrane-bound transport protein located on the tonoplast and various inner membranes .

  6. 然而,在肠道低灌注情况下,肠内营养中某些特殊营养素的转运及其作用机制尚不明确。

    However , in patients with poor intestinal perfusion , transport mechanism of some specific nutrients in enteral nutrition remains unclear .