
  • 网络special shell
  1. 特种弹弹壳圆饼调质热处理

    Quenching and High Temperature Tempering Process of Special Cartridge Discus

  2. 降低某特种弹用点火药摩擦感度的研究

    Reducing the Friction Sensitivity of the Ignition Composition Used in Special Ammunition

  3. 新型电发火件是用于新型特种系列弹发射装药的电发火元件,工作于复杂的电磁场环境中。

    A new type of electric igniter is used as an electric element for igniting the propellant charge of the new and special shell series , which suits to operate in electro-magnetic enviroment .

  4. 某型舰炮兼容特种弹药供弹技术分析

    Analysis of Ammunition Feeding Technique of Compatible Special Ammunition for a Naval Gun