
  • 网络rotary column
  1. 通过理论计算得到了转柱法测液体粘度实验中砝码下落达到匀速所需要的时间和运动距离。

    In the experiment of liquid viscosity measured by rotary column method , the uniform drop time and distance are calculated theoretically .

  2. 转柱法测液体粘度实验中力矩误差的修正

    Correction on the Error of the Moment ( of Force ) in the Experiment of " Measuring Liquid Viscosity by Means of Rotary Column "

  3. 转柱舵在实船上的应用

    The application of rotating cylinder rudder to full - scale ship

  4. 转柱的水动力特性测试及其分析

    Model Test and Analysis of the Rotating Cylinder

  5. 转柱舵的水动力研究

    Hydrodynamic research on rotating cylinder rudder

  6. 就转柱法测液体粘度实验中的侧面粘滞力矩、端面粘滞力矩和摩擦力矩对实验的影响进行了讨论;

    This paper discusses the influence of side viscosity moment , end viscosity moment and frictional moment on the experiment , and induces the calculation formula of end viscosity moment .

  7. 内、外柱细胞和Deiters细胞染色明亮,其中耳蜗各转外柱细胞头板的显色亮度都强于OHCs。

    The Deiters cell , the headplates of the pillar cells and the inner pillar cells were also stained , moreover the staining intensity of the headplates of the pillar cells were stronger than OHCs in all turns .

  8. 分析了不同垂深条件下的大位移井钻井极限,随着井深增加,制约大位移井钻井极限的因素由滑动摩阻转为钻柱强度。

    The limits of extended reach wells are analyzed under the condition of different vertical depths , with the increase of well depth , the limit factors on the extended reach wells are turned to drill string strength from sliding friction drag .

  9. 矿山露天转井下境界顶柱的数值模拟优化方法

    Evolution numerical simulation method for optimizing boundary roof pillar in transition from open-pit mining to underground mining

  10. 在分析采矿优化设计的数值模拟方法基础上,介绍了基于有限元法的露天转井下境界顶柱优化的一般步骤;

    After the introduction of the numerical simulation method , the general steps are given of the optimization of the boundary pillar by FEM ;