
zhuǎn yè
  • be transferred to civilian work
转业 [zhuǎn yè]
  • [be transferred to civilian work] 军队干部退出现役分配到地方机关和企业事业单位工作

转业[zhuǎn yè]
  1. 当前,有一大批干部要转业到地方。

    A great many cadres are about to be transferred to civilian work .

  2. 大批医生被派往地震灾区,去救死扶伤。当前,有一大批干部要转业到地方。

    A large number of doctors were sent to the earthquake-stricken district , who would save the dying and help the wounded . A great many cadres are about to be transferred to civilian work .

  3. 实验结果表明:砷蹄系统的玻璃转业点Te和初始析晶温度T(er)随砷浓度增加而升高,而析晶速率则减慢;

    Results show that the glass transition point T_g and crystallization temperature T_o , increase but the crystallization rate decreases with the increase of As content .

  4. 运用ITQ制度,可以有效解决遍布于全球范围内的过度捕捞问题,切断造成渔民转产转业问题的根源,实现渔业资源的可持续利用。

    It can , by cutting the root baffling the transfer , solve the problem of overfishing which is common in the world at large so as to realize sustainable use of fishery resources .

  5. 沿海捕捞渔民转产转业的实证分析与政策研究

    Positive Analyses and Policy Study on Dual-Transform of the Marine Fishermen

  6. 沿海捕捞渔民转产转业政策的分析

    Analysis of policy on transferring fishermen 's jobs in coastal region

  7. 转业后他们的就业前景也会受到影响。

    Their prospects of finding a civilian job are also affected .

  8. 凡是要转业到地方的干部,都可以这样做。

    This applies to all cadres slated for transfer to civilian work .

  9. 我国沿海渔民转产转业的成本收益模型分析

    Analysis on the cost-benefit model of job transfer of Chinese coastal fishermen

  10. 建立军队转业干部住房补助基金的构想

    Towards the establishment of housing subsidy funds for decommissioned officers

  11. 你应该坚持一项工作;滚石不生苔,转业不聚财。

    Keep to one job ; a rolling stone gathers no moss .

  12. 当前有几十万干部要转业。

    Several hundred-thousand cadres are going to be transferred to civilian jobs .

  13. 我国农民转业职业培训研究

    Study on Vocational Traning for Transferring Farmers in China

  14. 关于海洋捕捞渔民转产转业问题的探讨经济危机下沿海捕捞渔民转产转业可选途径分析

    Optional channels analysis on dual-transform of the marine fishermen under the economic crisis

  15. 中国沿海渔民转产转业的进展综述

    Progress of job transfer of Chinese coastal fishermen

  16. 三是促进渔民转产转业工程的实施;

    Promote the project of fishing industrial transfer .

  17. 军队干部和战士的转业费、复员费;

    Military severance pay and demobilization pay for officers and soldiers of the armed forces ;

  18. 滚石不聚苔,转业不聚财。

    A rolling stone gathers no moss .

  19. 借鉴联众模式推进渔民向休闲渔业转产转业

    Using the " Lianzhong Patterns " to Boost the Fisherman to Change into Recreation Fishery

  20. 但是,从经济角度来说,军人复员转业并不会让我们停留在与遣散之前的经济状态。

    But the demobilization will not leave us economically just where we were before it started .

  21. 本文选取山东省转业军官安置情况为主要的研究范围,主要采取资料研究法、分类分析和类比分析法、可行性分析法等。

    The main scope of the study is selected from demobilized officers resettlement of Shandong province .

  22. 论文论述了渔民转产转业政策绩效的研究背景、理论与实践意义。

    The paper discusses the performance of Fishermen dual-transform policy research background , theory and practice .

  23. 关于沿海渔民转产转业工作之探讨

    A Study on the Work Transferred to Other Field from Fishing for Fishman along the Coast Area

  24. 这方面工作真正做好了,部队干部战士转业复员到地方就容易了。

    Such training will make it easier for demobilized cadres and soldiers to be transferred to civilian jobs .

  25. 转业农民迫切需要有效的技能培训、农村劳动者需要新型农业技术的学习指导。

    Displaced farmers urgently need effective skills training , rural workers need guidance to learn new agricultural technology .

  26. 此外,由于台湾制造业转业的情形相当普遍,我们亦讨论转业对于厂商参进与退出的影响。

    In addition , we also explore whether switch ratio is the determinant of the entry and exit .

  27. 第三部分,分析了山东半岛沿海渔民转产转业面临的困境。

    The third part , analyzed the shandong peninsula coastal fishermen transferred over the plight of and problems .

  28. 浅论转业干部住房安置与提高军队房产配置效益

    Tne housing arrangements of armyman transferred to civilian work and how to improve the benefit of troops housing property

  29. 又比如,我们现在缺乏教员,可以安排一批军队转业干部去教书。

    Also , we are short of teachers and can arrange for a number of demobilized cadres to teach .

  30. 本文旨在拓展对中华人民共和国军队干部转业历史的研究。

    This paper aims at expanding the scope of studies on the history of demobilization of PRC army officers .