
jiǎn cǎi
  • ribbon-cutting;cut the ribbon at an opening ceremony;cut the ribbon at a special occasion
剪彩 [jiǎn cǎi]
  • [cut the ribbon at an opening ceremony;cut the ribbon at a special occasion] 在仪式上剪断彩带,表示建筑物落成、新造车船出厂或展览会开幕等

剪彩[jiǎn cǎi]
  1. 海恩斯夫人站在旁边,手持剪刀准备剪彩。

    Mrs. Haines stood nearby , holding scissors to cut a ribbon

  2. 他们郑重其事地剪彩,宣布展览开幕。

    They ceremoniously cut a piece of ribbon , declaring the exhibition open

  3. 国王和王后今天将为新桥落成剪彩。

    Their Majesties will open the new bridge today .

  4. 他来给店铺剪彩揭幕,米兰达·凯尔(MirandaKerr)被请来帮忙。

    He 's here to cut a ribbon , to christen the place , and Miranda Kerr was invited to help .

  5. 2014年,亚特兰大有好几场剪彩活动,但最重要的盛事是5月开馆的国家民权与人权中心博物馆(NationalCenterforCivilandHumanRights),它临近百年奥林匹克公园(CentennialOlympicPark)与佐治亚水族馆(GeorgiaAquarium)。

    Atlanta plans several ribbon cuttings in 2014 , but the main event is the National Center for Civil and Human Rights , scheduled to open in May next to the Centennial Olympic Park and the Georgia Aquarium downtown .

  6. 图书馆将由市长本人亲自剪彩开业。

    The library will be officially opened by the mayor himself .

  7. 在剪彩仪式结束一小时后,店里就空旷无人。

    An hour after a ribbon-cutting ceremony it was deserted .

  8. 从剪彩剪的创作论民族特色产品创新

    Discussion from the Scissors on Product Innovation with National Characteristics

  9. 市长为展览会开幕式剪彩。

    The mayor cut the ribbon to open the exhibition .

  10. 你必须随时待命,一直到星期六的剪彩。

    You will be on call until the ribbon cutting on saturday .

  11. 在剪彩的剩余部分青蓝。

    The remainder of the ribbon is Ultramarine Blue .

  12. 重复前面的步骤添加另一个摄像机的中间部分剪彩。

    Repeat previous steps to add another ribbon on middle part of the camera .

  13. 市长被邀请参加新商业街的剪彩仪式。

    The mayor was invited to the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new business arcade .

  14. 那我就只负责剪彩和出席葬礼吗

    And so I 'm supposed to just cut ribbons and go to funerals ?

  15. 部长为一段新高速公路的竣工剪彩。

    The Minister cut the tape to open a new section of the motorway .

  16. 创建新层以上剪彩。

    Create new layer above the ribbon .

  17. 导入一张纸张纹理,调整大小以适应剪彩条。

    Place the Grunge Paper texture in the document ; resize itto fit the ribbon .

  18. 我们的下一步是在绘制多彩的机身上部剪彩。

    Our next step is drawing colorful ribbon across upper part of the camera body .

  19. 昨天,我和吉拉尼总理一起为巴中友谊中心落成剪彩,并宣布启动“中巴友好光明行”活动。

    Yesterday , Prime Minister Gilani and I attended the inauguration ceremony for the Pakistan-China Friendship Center .

  20. 总之,有谁想去看在镇长发布时。我的剪彩?

    Anyways , who wants to watch me cut the ribbon . at the mayor 's unveiling thing ?

  21. 看到您剪彩时脸上洋溢的笑意,我感到非常高兴。

    I was very happy to see the smiles on your face when you cut the red ribbon .

  22. 我们的任务包括每天前往施工现场,参加剪彩仪式,出席饭局。

    Our responsibilities would include making daily trips to the construction site , attending a ribbon-cutting ceremony , and hobnobbing .

  23. 皇室成员参加剪彩仪式可能会戴的细羊毛手套(最高155英镑)。

    and fine wool pairs of the type a royal might wear to a ribbon-cutting event ( up to £ 155 ) .

  24. 但莫克斯利说他和其他冒牌商人在工厂的开幕剪彩那天得到了“红地毯待遇”。

    But Moxley says he and the fake businessmen got the " red-carpet treatment " at the opening ceremony for the factory .

  25. 为了庆祝中心的成立,他们在台上举行了剪彩仪式,并用泡沫拼出了欧盟旗帜和美国国旗。

    To celebrate , they snipped a ribbon unfurled across the stage and assembled a foam puzzle showing the European Union and US flags .

  26. 现在租个白人就省事多了,也便宜多了。你可以让他们参加各种会议、剪彩仪式、新闻发布会等等。

    It 's a lot cheaper to rent white dudes and tote them around at your conferences , ribbon-cutting ceremonies , press conferences , etc.

  27. 若是这样,今后将会有更多的剪彩仪式,而中国企业在英国的合作伙伴将会受益良多&包括花商。

    If so , there will be plenty more ribbon-cutting ceremonies and British partners of Chinese companies , including florists , should do very nicely .

  28. 伍锐贤主席到炮台公园出席中华公所参加协办的2006年文化中国艺术节并替该活动剪彩。

    President Eric Ng attended the opening ceremony of the2006 Chinese Cultural Festival , which was co-hosted by CCBA and other organizations at Battery Park .

  29. 师父剪彩以后,祝福餐厅繁昌,祈愿以后在韩国能有更多的素食屋。

    After the opening ceremony , master blessed the restaurant for prosperity and hoped that there would be more and more vegetarian houses in korea .

  30. 风俗习惯:斯举行典礼仪式通常不用剪彩,一般以点油灯表示庆贺。

    Manners and customs : Si holds the ceremony ceremony usually not to need to cut the ribbon , generally expresses the congratulations by an oil lamp .