
  1. 联合国难民署的PillarBauza为整个非洲难民营的孩子们工作:

    Pillar Bauza is with the UN Refugee Agency . She is working with children in refugee camps across Africa .

  2. 非洲难民需要食物跟避难所。

    African refugees are in need of food and shelter .

  3. 非洲难民教育和训练常设委员会

    Standing Committee on Education and Training for Refugees in Africa

  4. 关于非洲难民问题某些特定方面的公约

    Convention on Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa

  5. 第二次援助非洲难民国际会议

    Second International Conference on Assistance to Refugees in Africa

  6. 非洲难民发展项目信托基金

    Trust Fund for Refugee-Related Development Projects in Africa

  7. 援助非洲难民协调委员会

    Coordinating Committee for Assistance to Refugees in Africa

  8. 年非统组织关于非洲难民问题特定方面的公

    OAU Convention concerning the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa , 1969 1969

  9. 非洲难民和流离失所问题专题讨论会

    Symposium on African Refugee and Displacement Issues

  10. 关于非洲难民问题的公约

    Convention on Refugee Problems in Africa

  11. 他还说,住在埃及的非洲难民多半来自厄立特里亚和苏丹,他们在试图越境进入以色列找工作时,也遭到了殴打和拘捕。

    He also says African refugees living in Egypt , mostly from Eritrea and Sudan , have been shot or arrested trying to cross into Israel , seeking jobs .

  12. 如果有人说对我说,你怎么能为你的DVD播放器如此狂喜,当在非洲的难民都在挨饿呢

    If someone said to me ," How can you be so overjoyed at your DVD player , when there 's all the starving people in Africa ?"

  13. 非洲境内难民、回返者和流离失所者的情况;

    Situation of refugees , returnees and displaced persons in africa ;

  14. 南部非洲境内难民、回返者和流离失所者困境问题国际会议

    International Conference on the Plight of Refugees , Returnees and Displaced Persons in Southern Africa

  15. 非洲统一组织难民安置与教育事务局

    Bureau for the Placement and Education of Refugees of the OAU

  16. 安全问题与东非及非洲之角难民问题讨论会

    Seminar on security and the problem of refugees in East Africa and the Horn of Africa

  17. 皮拉尔·博萨隶属于联合国难民事务署,她负责非洲各地的难民营中孩子们的工作。

    Pillar Bauza is with the UN refugee agency and she is working with children in refugee camps across Africa .

  18. 在巴西东北部地区和非洲,随着难民流动和人口移徙至城市地区,血吸虫病传播到新的地区。

    In north-east Brazil and Africa , refugee movements and migration to urban areas are introducing the disease to new areas .

  19. 受害人中有数以千计来自津巴布韦、索马里、埃塞俄比亚等非洲国家的难民及寻求庇护者,这些人的家园被毁,企业遭到抢劫和焚烧。

    Among those affected are thousands of refugees and asylum-seekers from Zimbabwe , Somalia , Ethiopia and other African countries , whose homes were destroyed and businesses looted , and burned .

  20. 非洲地区存在的难民有630万,占世界难民总数的一半。

    Africa contains 6.3 million refugees , half of the world 's total .

  21. 在非洲,联合国难民机构表示,洪水导致乍得数千人无家可归。

    In Africa , the U.N. Refugee Agency says flooding has left thousands homeless in Chad .

  22. 非洲统一组织非洲难民安置和教育局所办各国通讯员研究班讨论会;

    Seminar of national correspondents of oau 's Bureau for the placement and education of African refugees ;

  23. 他提到,去年有70多万难民和200万国内流离失所的人返回家园,其中许多是非洲大湖区的难民。

    Last year , he notes more than 700000 refugees and two million internally displaced people went home , many from the Great Lake Region of Africa .

  24. 非洲国家的许多难民营,如南苏丹,塞拉利昂,利比亚,尼日利亚和其他国家,已报告有发现严重的霍乱爆发,而官方官员说,要想控制霍乱或者黄疸是非常困难的。

    Many camps in African countries , such as South Sudan , Sierra Leone , Libya , Nigeria and others have reported severe cholera outbreaks . In the case of cholera or jaundice , officials say containment is very difficult . They believe the best approach to deal with these infections is to prevent them .