
zhuàn guǎn pào
  • gatling gun
转管炮[zhuàn guǎn pào]
  1. 转管炮射击误差高精度测试方法研究

    Research of High-precision Measurement for Firing Error of Gatling Gun

  2. 外能源超高射速转管炮所需驱动功率巨大,存在武器适用性问题。

    Super-high fire rate external power Gatling gun needs a huge of driving power , and it has the problem of weapon applicability .

  3. 本文针对转管炮炮壁温度测试过程中存在的测试环境恶劣、干扰多等特点,设计了基于K型热电偶的离线式测温系统。

    So an based on the K-type thermocouple temperature measurement system of the off-line is designed in the article .

  4. 转管炮射表编制方法研究

    A study on the compilation of firing tables for Gatling guns

  5. 测量转管炮炮口初速的一种新方法

    A New Method for Measuring the Muzzle Velocity of Multi-barrel Rotary Gun

  6. 速射转管炮射击校正方法

    The Firing Correction Method with Rapid-Fire Revolving Barrel Gun

  7. 超高射速转管炮新型低功耗凸轮曲线设计

    New Type of Low Power Consumption Cam Curve Designed for Super-high Fire Ratio Gatling Gun

  8. 自身凝集;自身能源转管炮自动机内流场三维数值计算方法研究

    Self condensation ; three-dimensional numerical calculation of the automaton in the TURNING-PIPE cannon using internal energy

  9. 高射速转管炮炮口速度测量传感器的研究

    Study on the On-carriage Muzzle Velocity Measuring Sensors for High Rate of Fire Multi-barrel Rotary Guns

  10. 建立了带有任意个集中质量的分布质量炮管的转管炮系统横向自由振动动力学模型;

    The dynamic model of transverse free vibration of a spin tube gun with multi-lumped masses is developed .

  11. 阐明了转管炮的动频和相应振型与对应静频和相应振型及转动角速度之间的精确关系。

    The exact relations among the dynamic and static frequency of a spin tube gun and the angular speed are obtained .

  12. 在分析转管炮对弹丸运动影响的基础上,重点描述了速射转管炮射击校正的方法。

    Based on analyzing the effect on the bullet motion by the revolving barrel gun , the firing correction method with rapid-fire revolving barrel gun is highlighted in this paper .

  13. 从炮尾方向向前看,如果转管炮是顺时针旋转,则左侧导轨适宜布局得高一些;

    When looking ahead from the gun breech , if the Gatling gun rotates in clockwise direction , the left guide rail of the bolt carrier should be in higher position ;

  14. 由于射击时炮管高速旋转,因此转管炮在高速旋转情况下振动特性的求解相当复杂,是当今世界转管武器系统动力学的难点之一,具有重要的理论和实际意义。

    So resolving Spin tube gun 's vibration characteristic in the condition of highly rotating is one of the difficulties of the multibody system dynamic in the world and has important meaning of theoretic or actual .