
rǎo liú piàn
  • spoiler
扰流片[rǎo liú piàn]
  1. 通过数值求解二维非定常可压N-S方程,研究了二维翼型上扰流片快速张开诱发的复杂非定常流动问题。

    Transient aerodynamic response of an airfoil to a rapidly deploying spoiler is numerically investigated by solving two-dimensional unsteady compressible Navier-Stokes equations .

  2. 当一个扰流片扬起的时候,另一边的机翼就会下降。

    When a spoiler is raised , the wing on that side drops .

  3. 研究表明:一定结构的PDE,扰流片存在合理的堵塞比和间距以及最少片数。

    It is shown that there are optimum blockage ratio and vane number for PDE .

  4. 扰流片诱导的可压缩非定常流场数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of the compressible unsteady flow induced by an oscillating spoiler

  5. 扰流片式弹射火箭推力矢量控制技术研究

    Study on a Thrust-vector Control Technique of the Ejection-rocket with the Spoiler

  6. 平板扰流片振动诱导涡运动研究

    Study of vortex motions induced by oscillating spoiler attached to flat plate

  7. 扰流片快速张开诱发的非定常流动研究

    Unsteady Flow Around Airfoil with a Rapidly Deploying Spoiler

  8. 带扰流片的矩形直通道内的流动与换热

    The Flow and Heat Exchange Process in a Rectangular Straight Channel with Spoilers

  9. 平板扰流片高度对壁面压力分布的影响

    The effect of flap height on wall pressure distribution

  10. 振动扰流片旋涡脱落和时均压力实验研究

    Vortex shedding and time mean pressure behind oscillating spoilers

  11. 翼型-扰流片的分离气动特性计算

    Separated Aerodynamic Characteristic Calculation for Airfoil - Spoiler

  12. 本文分别在套管内添加顺向、径向和逆向扰流片,分析套管内的层流换热。

    In this paper , adding forward , radial and reverse spoiler on the casing pipe .

  13. 底部间隙对各种扰流片引起的壁面压力分布的影响趋势完全相似。

    The influences of gap with different height on pressure distribution are in the same manner .

  14. 从非定常流场计算出发系统的研究了嗡鸣发生的机理以及扰流片对嗡鸣起抑制作用的机理;

    Through solving the unsteady flow fields of an airfoil-flap , the mechanism of buzz is intensively studied .

  15. 本文讨论了非定常分离涡的显示方法,进而研究了平板上扰流片处于静止及在不同频率下振动时所诱导的分离涡的形成过程。

    This paper discussed the application of a flow visualization method in the study of unsteady separated vortex flows .

  16. 另一种通用的方法是阻流板扰流片,此方法在法国已经用在大部分反坦克导弹上。

    Another common method is the semaphore spoiler which the French have used on most of their anti-tank missiles .

  17. 本文的研究目的是弄清机翼翼梢涡的结构及安装翼梢扰流片对翼梢涡的影响。

    The structure of wingtip vortex and the affection of tap on wingtip vortex is investigated in this paper .

  18. 在本文研究的Re范围内,逆向扰流片的综合强化换热效果最好。

    In this paper we study the Re range , reverse spoiler integrated heat transfer enhancement effect is best .

  19. 本文介绍用涡面元法模拟带扰流片的翼型低速无粘分离绕流。

    A vortex panel method is presented to simulate low speed inviscid separated flow past an airfoil with a spoiler .

  20. 副翼比旧式喷气机上的要小,装载机翼顶部的扰流片可以辅助副翼。

    Ailerons are smaller than on the older jets , and they are aided by spoilers mounted on the tops of the wing .

  21. 本文采用扰流片式推力矢量控制方案,引入舵机系统,实现了弹射火箭的推力矢量实时控制。

    Introducing a helm-gear , this topic adopts a spoiler technique on a thrust-vector control to accomplish a real-time control onto the rocket-motor thrust-vector .

  22. 电螺管控制的扰流片扰流板:扰流板应该和内衬材料一致,其引导通风柜气体排除柜外。

    Solenoid operated spoiler Baffles : Baffles providing controlled air vectors into and through the fume hood shall be constructed from the same material as the liner .

  23. 通过测量固体火箭发动机水下工作过程中的推力和侧向力,研究了扰流片和摆喷管两种推力矢量方式的水下推力矢量特性。

    By measuring the thrust and lateral forces of solid rocket motor during firing conditions , the thrust vector control performances of jet tab TVC and movable nozzle TVC were studied .

  24. 进而根据发动机总体要求进行了试验发动机的相关试验设计,确定了试验方案:最后进行了静态无扰流片和有扰流片的点火对比试验研究以及动态模拟信号驱动下的扰流片工作点火试验研究。

    Finally , The ignition tests with and without spoilers under the static conditions and the ignition tests for the spoiler joint-operation driven by the simulated signals under the dynamic conditions have been conducted .

  25. 研究了圆环型扰流片的堵塞比、片数和间距对爆震波峰值压力的影响,以及上游扰流片间和下游扰流片间压力波峰值压力的变化。

    The effects of blockage ratio , vane number and space of turbulence generator on detonation wave as well as the change of pressure peaks between two vanes located in upstream or downstream were investigated .

  26. 以高温透平叶片冷却为应用背景,对带有顺排、错排扰流片的矩形通道进行了实验研究。

    With the internal cooling of the trailing edge of high temperature turbine blade as the application background , the flow and heat transfer process was experimented in the duct with sequence and staggered rectangular fins .

  27. 在相同入口雷诺数的情况下,带倾斜扰流片通道的换热性能是错排扰流片通道的2.6倍,光滑壁面通道的6.6倍。

    Under the same inlet Reynolds Number , the performance of the passage with slant fins is 2.6 times of that of the passage with staggered fins , and 6.6 times of that of the smooth rectangle straight passage .

  28. 实验结果表明:扰流片对翼梢涡的初期结构有影响,但对翼梢涡的中、后期发展影响不大

    It is found that the structure of wingtip vortex in earlier stage will be influenced by the taps , but in middle stage or later stage it will be influenced very little . Compared the actuality of the structure of th

  29. 扰流片的倾斜方向不仅可以影响所产生的纵向涡的强度、大小,还会影响涡流的方向,所以不同倾斜方向的扰流片具有不同的强化换热效果。

    The tilt direction spoiler can not only strength , size of longitudinal vortex generated by the impact , will affect the direction of the vortex , so the spoiler different tilt direction has the effect of heat transfer enhancement is different .

  30. 底部相对间隙在08~20之间时,扰流片高度小于边界层厚度时的壁面平均压力比扰流片高度大于边界层厚度时小30%左右。

    When the relative gap height ( the ratio of flap height to gap width ) is in the range of 0 8-2 0 , the mean pressure will reduced 30 % if the flap height is smaller than the thickness of boundary layer .