
yì miàn
  • airfoil;plane
翼面[yì miàn]
  1. 翼面是飞机上重要的散射源。

    Airfoil is an important scattering source on the aircraft .

  2. 它甚至可以通过翼面或小型压缩气体推进器改变自身轨道。

    It might even alter its trajectory with an airfoil or mini compressed-gas thruster .

  3. 低成本翼面隐身结构的设计和RCS测试分析

    Design and RCS analysis of a low cost wing structure with low observability

  4. 翼面结构雷达散射截面(RCS)的测量与分析

    The analysis and measurements of radar cross section ( rcs ) of some wing structure models

  5. 将翼面绕基准状态作任意形态的振动,用Fourier级数展为n个不同振幅、不同频率的谐波;

    The arbitrary vibration motion of a wing around its reference state is expanded into Fourier series of n harmonic waves with different amplitudes and frequencies .

  6. 研究结果表明,经过优化设计后,在方位和频域上能显著降低翼面隐身结构RCS。

    Results indicate that after the optimization , the RCS of the low detectable wing structures is radically reduced .

  7. 利用流动显示技术、片光技术及PIV技术,对三角翼面上的各种非定常特性做了研究。

    Visualization with light sheet and PIV tests were performed to investigate some unsteady structures over delta wings .

  8. Gurney襟翼增升技术在三翼面布局飞机模型上应用的实验研究

    Investigation on application of Gurney flap to triplane configuration aircraft lift-enhancement

  9. 介绍了一种针对人体消化道微型工程药丸的磁定位跟踪系统产品外观外观计研发过程。电磁炮的弹丸最后可能会安装一些翼面,目的是为了接收GPS信号和完成气动控制。

    The development of the product design of magnetic locating and tracking system of human alimentary canal engineering capsule was introduced . Projectiles will probably eventually have fins for GPS control and navigation .

  10. 根据P-M理论,计算了五种三翼面飞机和试验模型的诱导阻力因子、升阻比以及翼面升力比等。

    On the basis of P-M theory , the calculations are made for the induced drag factor , the ratio of lift to drag , and the ratio of lift in surfaces on five kinds of three-surface planes and test models .

  11. Gurney襟翼的增升效果不仅与Gurney襟翼的高度密切相关,而且还与在翼面上的安装位置有关。

    The increasing lift effect of Gurney flap not only related with highness of flap , but also with the position of flap installation .

  12. 采用亚音速偶极子格网法计算非定常气动力,用状态空间法计算翼面颤振速度,利用最佳控制理论进行最优控制设计,结构固有振动用谱变换Lanczos方法求得。

    The optimal control theory is introduced to design the control law . Natural vibration modes are obtained by spectral transformation Lanczos method . The FEM is used to simulate the wing structure .

  13. 目前,基于全局Ritz求解技术的复合材料翼面结构等效板方法已用于气动弹性的基本研究和优化设计,但还不够成熟。

    At present , the equivalent plate methodology based on global Ritz solution technique has been used in the studies of aeroelasticity and aeroelastic optimization of composite wing structures , but it stiff exits space to develop .

  14. 浅析俄罗斯战斗机CY-37金雕前掠翼三翼面气动布局的先进性

    Simple Analysis the Advantage of Russia 's CY-37 " Jin Diao " Forward-Swept Wing and Triplanar Aircraft on Aero Configuration

  15. 新的教练机保留JJ-7翼面和动力装置,但是重新设计采用侧进气道的前机身和装上空中加油探头。

    The new trainer retained the wing planform and powerplant of the JJ-7 , but was given a redesigned forward fuselage with lateral air intakes and the in-flight refuelling probe .

  16. SLD成冰效应与普通小直径水滴有着很大的不同,其中一个典型的因素就是大水滴的动力学特性,比如水滴会发生破碎以及撞击翼面时发生的飞溅回落现象等。

    The effect of SLD icing is very different from those common small-diameter water droplets , one of the typical factor is the dynamics effect of large droplets , such as the breakup and splashing phenomena upon impacting the wing .

  17. 导弹翼面随机有限元法及程序研究

    Random finite element methods and program study of missile airfoil surface

  18. 翼面隐身结构电磁散射特性的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Electromagnetic Scattering for Wing Structures with Low Observability

  19. 大展弦比超薄型复合材料翼面研制

    The development of the thin composite wing in high fineness ratio

  20. 从二歧到整合飞行器二维翼面整形的物理光学理论

    Physical Optics Integration of Shaping in 2-D Wings of Flying Objects

  21. 非定常自由流中的翼面动态压力测量

    Dynamic pressure measurements on a delta wing in unsteady free stream

  22. 复合材料翼面结构满足颤振速度约束优化设计

    Optimal Design of Composite Wing Structures to Satisfy Flutter Speed Constraint

  23. 防空导弹翼面弹性支承边界参数识别

    Boundary parameter identification of elastic support for air defence missile wing

  24. 飞机翼面结冰对飞行特性影响的研究

    Review about Effects of Lifting Surface Icing on Aircraft Flight Characteristics

  25. 翼面结构/颤振主动控制律一体化设计

    Integrated design of flexible structure / flutter active control law

  26. 上下翼面各需要用两个密封嗔块。

    Two sealing blocks are needed for both upper and lower surfaces .

  27. 利用转动前缘的动边界效应控制翼面分离的数值模拟

    The Numerical Simulation of Separation Control Using Moving Surface Effect

  28. 本文介绍了一种可用于显示旋转弹翼面在非旋转和旋转过程中拖出的涡及其轨迹的流态显示技术。

    A visualization technique of rotating wing wake is presented .

  29. 三翼面飞机前翼和平尾机动载荷优化配置

    Maneuver Load Optimal Distribution Between Canard and Horizontal Tail of Three-surface Aircraft

  30. 基于梯度优化的飞机翼面结构布局设计方法研究。

    Gradient-based optimization method for layout design of wing structures .